Example sentences of "[n mass] [prep] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Remember , these are your fish relying upon you 100% for maintaining their water quality and health ,
2 Pan American , which ordered several Airbus A320s a few years ago , made more than $100m by selling its place in the Airbus queue to another airline .
3 Two men posing as electricity board workmen escaped with £700 after tricking their way into the home of a 78-year-old woman at Greenside , near Gateshead .
4 HAVING duped the Press corps by holding his marriage to Audrey Doyle a day early , the publicity-shy ex-hostage Brian Keenan nonetheless agreed to appear for a photo call at the Co Wicklow hotel where the reception was being held .
5 ANGLER Bill Scragg , 74 , of Sandyford , Staffs , caught a trophy-winning 11lb 14oz trout after dipping his lure in whisky .
6 ‘ And the mortgagee having sworn he paid and expended above £120 in defending his mortgage at law , although he had but £60 costs allowed him there … shall not be held down to the taxation at law , but shall against the account be allowed all he laid out , or expended .
7 As part of the Black Country inward investment programme , Laporte is to invest £4.4m in relocating its cleaning chemical company , Gramos Chemicals , to Spring Road , Smethwick .
8 After the attack he was dumped outside the barracks before making his way to the Royal Cambridge Military Hospital in the town where he was treated for severe bruising to his head and body .
9 Sergei Bubka provided the high point of the meeting , literally , earning £35,000 for improving his pole vault world record to 6.11 metres .
10 herself , so she 'll get her own money plus ninety eight quid for doing my round for two days
11 While there are formal rules by which discretion is effected , research shows that the primary means for standardizing its operation is the set of informal on-the-job rules of thumb developed within the occupational culture of the police .
12 I had no means of knowing what sort of line I had kept on my cross-country stumble , but it had been NNE as near as I could make it .
13 The National Front and other crypto-fascist fringe-groups have consciously attempted to use football as a means of spreading their ideology amongst young white workers and have specifically targeted certain clubs such as West Ham and Millwall .
14 This latter point was of considerable importance as Brown restricted all donations to $100 or less , as a means of underlining his campaign 's opposition to conventional US " money politics " .
15 It did n't occur to him until he was travelling home that in learning the truth he had also acquired the means of getting his revenge .
16 When he was imprisoned in 1768 for sexual sadism he managed to secure an early release by the devious means of getting his wife pregnant while she visited him in jail .
17 It touched Lorca to the point that he reduced his poetry to a secondary status , concentrating on theatrical communication as a better means of getting his message over .
18 Crawford played a gangland boss 's son who was used by police as a means of getting his father to confess to unsolved crimes .
19 By means of tapping his foot the horse could perform mathematical calculations , and solve problems of musical harmony .
20 It is worth reiterating here the point that the media offer a means of influencing your target audiences .
21 in the course of that business acquired his interest in the article or substance supplied to the customer as a means of financing its acquisition by the customer from a third person ( ‘ the effective supplier ’ ) ,
22 What was significant was that the vast majority of these appeals were rejected , and that while the Court had no means of enforcing its opinion , its verdicts were accepted , if not immediately implemented .
23 Local firms will also be investigated to see , first how they adapt to increased labour supply and secondly in what circumstances they use redundancy as a means of adjusting their labour force .
24 If for some reason you can not or choose not to attend a course , then you will have to find some means of charting your progress with the limited help made available by colleagues .
25 Derby found a means of holding his leader to ransom : a meeting of Lancashire Unionists which threatened to disown the new policy was adjourned for three weeks at his suggestion .
26 This developing agenda , in broad outline , covers economic and industrial issues of science policy in an international context ; issues of science policy in an international context ; modelling the research process and finding means of monitoring its development and change ; and management of the R & D process in the various sectors and levels of the system .
27 16.13 At secondary school , pupils should be increasingly encouraged to think critically about the texts they encounter , as a means of enlarging their understanding of the worlds of others , and in this way to examine and develop their own responses .
28 The war at sea was provoked by each side 's determination to deny the other the means of exporting its oil .
29 There was nothing of interest to her in the present conversation except as a means of promoting their intimacy and retaining his arm around her waist .
30 Give us the wisdom , through the help of the Holy Spirit , to realize our aims as a pastoral council , to understand what is needed , to find a means of achieving our end , and to do so with sens sensitivity for the feelings and opinions of our fellow parishioners .
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