Example sentences of "[n mass] [verb] on [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But the concept of the sacred and monumental quarter , which still makes Pisa famous , was born in the 1060s , and further advanced by a similar raid in which Pisans and Genoese joined on the great Muslim city of al-Mahdiyyah in 1087 .
2 US State Department reports on Aug. 3 had alleged that Iraqi forces had been spotted by reconnaissance aircraft massing on the Saudi border in preparation for a possible invasion .
3 Having designed a modern airframe , airfoil section and chosen the best of modern and traditional materials , they now produce a range of aircraft based on the basic airframe .
4 The launcher , normally referred to in the trade as a ‘ carousel ’ , is similar to the Pivotal Tower Type in Mr Smith 's illustration , in that the aircraft travels on a circular ground track around a central pylon with a rotary head .
5 Surely an aircraft bound on an important secret mission deep into enemy-held eastern France would not be used simply as a tug for a glider bound for a different , nearer destination — somewhere in Normandy , perhaps — when the lives of the highly-skilled parachute troops in that ‘ tug ’ , and the success of the ultimate S.A.S. operation itself , might be put in jeopardy .
6 To determine these tolerances , regulators use data based on the average exposure to a particular pesticide of the entire population .
7 If your name or aircraft appears on the following list the CAA would like to hear from you , and for their part promise to place their mailing list for safety information from that time .
8 The postcode to Enumeration District directory and the digitised boundary data enable it to be mapped and compared with data compiled on a different geographical basis , an aid which has not been available for censuses prior to 1981 .
9 Moreover , these market figures only take account of multi-media delivered on a stand-alone optical disc platform .
10 Within one sub-range the pendulum bob moves on an elliptical orbit , with principal axes in the x- and y-directions , with the same frequency as the drive .
11 The FTIR 8101/8101M spectrophotometer is capable of data processing , multitasking and can produce data reports on a standard parallel head printer .
12 How the Mini Master will be regarded by Britain 's Civil Aviation Authority remains to be seen , but the CAA has indicated so far that it will expect pilots flying the aircraft to be holders of a multi engine rating , which currently costs around £1,200 to obtain on a conventional twin aircraft .
13 There were three APCs in the yard , with their light cannon trained on the far wall .
14 Most black directors ' budgets are pegged at around $7m , compared with the $25m-40m spent on the average Hollywood film .
15 I played around with these harsh gasps for a while , seeing Miller as a big pink fish stranded on a cobble-stoned beach , letting broken scraps of dialogue decorate the page .
16 He might have had to explain why he 'd put a Fax machine out here for the sheep to use on a quiet day .
17 Instead of discounts on their council houses , would-be buyers could be given grants of up to £25,000 to buy on the open market .
18 Why do a further 30% attend on the specific recommendation of ‘ former ’ clients ?
19 Fortunately , in 1983 the Unemployment Unit began to produce statistics based on the pre-1982 system of counting , and these give a much more accurate picture of changes in the level of unemployment .
20 Many people lived on a similar diet , and chases took place slowly .
21 He realized they were no different from him : he and they were all people walking on the dusty road which ends in death .
22 Many employers allow their staff to work on a flexi-time basis which , while providing staff with an obvious perk , can be an administrative nightmare for management .
23 When the Fens was mainly marshland , people clustered on the small humps or islands of boulder clay which were dry point sites .
24 This is more easily done when landing in an unfamiliar place , particularly if it is in a hilly area and means landing on an uphill slope .
25 But it was confirmed that aides urged the media to concentrate on the royal couple 's four-day tour rather than speculating on their relationship .
26 But it was confirmed that aides urged the media to concentrate on the royal couple 's four-day tour of Korea rather than speculating on their relationship .
27 Er , this will obviously stop people driving on the wrong side of the road but it certainly wo n't or it wo n't prevent the excessive use of this service road which is very narrow indeed .
28 It is true , causeway because of the situation that exists we do have people driving on the wrong side of the road .
29 There is a local problem of some substance , the police have been there , it is a matter because of circumstances people driving on the wrong side of the road , it 's certainly dangerous conditions er and I think it 's reasonable to er take up councillor the this is the practical problem the committee could look at tonight .
30 Bleak scenarios of the " economic burden " that elderly people imposed on the working population underlay the 1988 Social Security Act and the impetus given to private pensions .
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