Example sentences of "[n mass] [verb] [adv] at [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There were few elderly people in the congregation as people moved away at retirement , so they lost only two through death .
2 The proportion of young people staying on at school between the crucial ages of 16 and 19 has always been heavily weighted towards the upper classes .
3 We need to see more of our young people staying on at school , more of them going into further and higher education and more of them achieving qualifications .
4 America and the Pacific Rim countries have 80–90 per cent of their young people staying on at school beyond 16 .
5 Publicity was directed to persuading people to switch off at peak times , and some Boards , notably the Eastern , banned sales of space heaters at their showrooms .
6 Pubs are , to quote Ben Davis , ‘ the public buildings in which people feel most at home ’ , and in its truest sense the public house is exactly what it says — a house for the public .
7 People stay in at night to avoid the shadows of the city streets .
8 Rose reported in 1953 that 79 per cent of a sample of unemployed older men in Hull knew ‘ that the country was asking people to stay on at work after retiring age ’ and 74 per cent of them thought this a ‘ reasonable thing ’ ( Rose 1953 ) .
9 There 's been an increasing tendency for people to stay on at school because they really want to , where it was one of the great criticisms of the boom years that people simply stayed on the escalator regardless , did n't think whether they wanted to stay on to , into sixth form , did n't think whether they wanted to go on to university or higher education , erm just did it without thinking .
10 The classic occasion when problems appear is when people move home at retirement then have to think again .
11 ‘ I know it may disturb many people sitting conmfortably at home .
12 It is somewhat unrealistic to imagine people gnawing away at sugar cane or sugar beet , so as an example at the opposite extreme let us consider apples .
13 Then one day , the TDs stayed late at the Dáil — in England you would say ‘ MPs stayed late at Parliament ’ — and sneaked in a bill about angling licences on the Lough .
14 I want to get the now constantly recurring image or memory of the scraggy sheep huddled together at night in the bus shelter off the top of my mind : it is disconcerting to be writing about one thing and yet be presented while doing so with quite another set of pictures .
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