Example sentences of "[n mass] [verb] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Another rally on Feb. 23 provoked violence against the police as about 10,000 people rallied to call for the return of the Soviet Union as a unified state .
2 Yvonne Harper-Wake , who puts scores of women through her Tums & Bums exercise classes , replied : ‘ Most people phoned hoping for a magic remedy but it does n't exist .
3 Another old argument is that ‘ manly sports ’ help to keep people fit to fight for the Crown if necessary , whereas fights which involve maiming rob the Crown of able-bodied men for the armed forces .
4 And it 's frightening because I know people die waiting for a transplant .
5 That gives us two hours to get there and two hours to prepare before Mait 's people begin to arrive for the ceremony . ’
6 The driver simply halted wherever people collected waiting for a ride rather like today 's bus request stops .
7 such permanent staff continue to work for the Council if they wish to do so ; and , where possible ,
8 How many people try to compensate for a sense of inadequacy or restore their personal confidence by going and buying themselves something whenever they feel miserable ?
9 Fortunately the means do exist for a PC to suspend the operation of one program and run another and it is the exploitation of this facility that has produced a veritable rash of Desktop Accessory software .
10 Well over a hundred of Oxfordshire 's lowest paid and angriest health workers attended a mass meeting to hear that almost all the region 's clerical staff had voted for a one day strike .
11 And then , anyone who owed less than £200 had to wait for the start of the next law term in another four months if he wished to apply for the discharge which would come upon his delivering his whole property to the single creditor who had stayed with the process as long as that .
12 She was told that more than 3,000 people had applied for the jobs .
13 This was confirmed by yet another member ; local people had trained for the De Lorean plant and produced cars in record time .
14 Peter Jones , 19 , was found in a tent where a group of young people had gathered for a party .
15 Owen O'Neil agrees : ‘ There 's no major comedy circuit in Northern Ireland in the way there is in London , but people have survived for a very long time on the strength of their own sense of humour . ’
16 Davison 's manager Tommy Conroy said last night : ‘ Benichou 's people have asked for an extra couple of weeks and , although I 'll have to discuss it with John first , I think we 'll agree .
17 Dr Tervahauta was told that people have fought for a share of the food which has been dropped by air .
18 Erm t th certainly it makes me really angry that people have to struggle for the basics and I you know I I just do n't see how people who are on long term benefits , erm state benefits , can survive without getting into serious debt .
19 Roycroft and Smith worry about perverse incentives : the fact that hospital treatment costs nothing , while people have to pay for the home care that will keep them out of hospital .
20 In the rural areas people have to pay for the costs of their halls .
21 Do n't eh , do the , do the Dutch people have to pay for the schooling ?
22 ‘ In a changing environment , where people have to work for a living , it is not so easy to give all your spare time to running golf . ’
23 British Rail maintenance staff have voted for a series of twenty-four hour strikes , starting next week .
24 In Australia , in Melbourne Park , a hundred thousand people sat waiting for the Victorian Football League Cup Final , and while they waited the 100 metres was to be relayed on the stadium scoreboard from Seoul .
25 Bob Ethrington , a director of Coopers & Lybrand Associates , is heading a group of TCS managers and staff planning to bid for the core business , the product supply and services division .
26 The pair seem made for a comedy double act should their singing careers ever falter .
27 The pair seem made for a comedy double act should their singing careers ever falter .
28 ‘ He had — I tell you this in confidence , Superintendent — he had , on the occasion of the annual Parents ’ Night , doctored with alcohol the fruit punch intended for the boarders who helped serve the modest refreshments .
29 Other strange weaponry can be seen in the males of some kinds of beetles , and the antlers of deer have evolved for the same reason .
30 Laura was unable to have her transplant on the NHS so Fran and Les launched an appeal which raised the £350,000 needed to pay for the operation in the US .
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