Example sentences of "of a right " in BNC.

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1 Only days later news of a rights issue by British Airways was leaked to many newspapers .
2 The controversial part of the report related to rights of audience , where the majority recommended the creation of a Rights of Audience Advisory Board which would recommend to The Law Society the licensing of suitably qualified solicitors to act as advocates in the Crown Court .
3 If this is so , then the issue should be formulated as one of whether the existence of corporate power is sufficiently objectionable to defeat the prima facie justificatory force of a rights ' claim .
4 Shareholders will be asked to renew the authority of the Directors to allot and issue the Ordinary Share capital in the Company and to renew , until the Annual General Meeting in 1994 , the authority not to apply the strict statutory pre-emption provisions in the events of a Rights Issue or in any other issue up to an aggregate of 5 per cent of the issued Ordinary Share Capital as at 31 December 1992 .
5 Given the risk associated with the possibility that the market price may fall below the subscription price the timing of a rights issue is extremely important .
6 Some companies incur unnecessary underwriting costs , presumably because of a lack of appreciation of the mechanics of a rights issue … .
7 Financing the bid by means of a rights issue or cash underwritten alternative has the advantage of increasing the equity base of the offeror and improving gearing .
8 It is usually closed after a limited period , whereas the underwriting of a rights issue , especially where the rights issue is conditional on the success of the offer ( because the outcome of the offer is not guaranteed ) , may result in a longer underwriting commitment period and consequently higher underwriting costs .
9 They will also be asked to subscribe for additional Zeneca shares by way of a rights issue to raise £1.3 billion .
10 By eschewing the obvious solution of a differential dividend payment , the group has had to fall back on the option of endowing the chemicals company with additional cash by way of a rights issue from Zeneca .
11 ICI fell 42p to 1076p ahead of Thursday 's figures , accompanied by rumours of a rights issue .
12 The business of compulsion is not something theoretical or peripheral ; it is of the essence of a right , because there is no point in declaring a right to what everyone is going to have anyhow .
13 This business of compulsion is not something theoretical or peripheral ; it is of the essence of a right , because there is no point in declaring a right to what everyone is going to have anyhow .
14 The society implicit in any statement of a right is not , in the context of the United Nations , a national society .
15 This is required by law a ) to maintain the private status of the ground , b ) to preserve the Vicar 's freehold rights of ownership ( and those of his successors ) and c ) to prevent the creation of a Right of Way through the grounds .
16 They have even more of a right to know if they are not being told at home .
17 In the last few years the courts have contrived in effect to extend the substance of a right of occupation to a mistress who has lived on an originally permanent basis with a man , but who has now lost her partner either through death or as a result of some form of desertion .
18 The behaviour alleged under – above would amount to a matrimonial offence , while the circumstances covered by amount to the first recognition in England of a right of divorce by mutual consent .
19 Wood which concluded : ‘ The non-treaty Nez Perces can not in law be regarded as bound by the treaty of 1863 ; and in so far as it attempts to deprive them of a right to occupancy on any land its provisions are null and void . ’
20 The same may also be said of the existence of a right of appeal .
21 The development of a right of parents and pupils to see the pupil 's personal school record has not been a specifically education issue but has arisen as part of the wider campaign for access to personal records .
22 A general shift of attitude by teachers towards openness arose , at least in part , from their arguments in support of a right to see reports and references on the teachers themselves .
23 This is fundamentally better than depriving the child of a right to live .
24 There are , therefore , three kinds of consent that do not impose obligations on the agent : first , where his personal situation is not affected by the consent ; second , where his personal situation is favourably affected , for the consent is a condition of his possession of a right or of some other benefit ; third , where his personal situation is adversely affected , but by waiving a right rather than by undertaking an obligation .
25 The Tribunal and the Commissioner Apart from the administrative safeguards referred to above , the Act introduces a remedy by way of a right of complaint to a quasi-judicial Tribunal .
26 Clearly , the basis of paternalism — that decisions concerning a particular person 's fate are better made for him than by him , because others wiser than he are more keenly aware of his best interests than he can be — conflicts with the notion of a right to self-determination , whereby a person is deemed entitled to make his own decisions concerning himself , within tolerable limits , free from the interference of others .
27 If , however , the landlord has absolute discretion to grant consent to the tenant 's exercise of a right , the reimbursement of the landlord 's costs is not part of the consideration for the landlord 's supply under the lease or licence to the tenant .
28 This new legislation would create , in particular : a right for users of public services to restrain unlawful industrial action ; the provision of a right for union members to obtain more information on their unions ' financial affairs , including union leaders ' salaries ; protection against the use of what are called ‘ check-off ’ arrangements under which subscriptions to the union are deducted from the workers ' pay ; and greater freedom for people to join the union of their choice .
29 They thought in terms of a right or wrong time , rather than long or short duration .
30 First , is it not the case that the whole idea of a right is inextricably linked with the liberal ( or , as Dignan calls it , gesellschaft ) model of society ?
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