Example sentences of "of the recession " in BNC.

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1 Probably because it started the 1980s with a fleet of new 125mph HSTs which had made a major impact on its market , the East Coast main line was far better placed to withstand the rigours of the recession than its West Coast neighbour .
2 It was the service between Paddington , Bristol and South Wales which felt the full impact of the recession .
3 As already mentioned , many plans had to be changed in the light of the recession and these included reduction of the number of Cross Country HSTs .
4 The pressure to change emerged out of the recession in the early 1980s and the increasing incursion of the Japanese into world markets with productivity levels light years ahead of European competitors .
5 The tax cuts for the top income earners , the increase in share prices over the decade , and the effects of the recession have sharpened economic differentials in the Thatcher period .
6 There are problems in assessing these claims , in part because of disputes over the starting date — 1979 , when Mrs Thatcher came to office , or 1981 , the low point of the recession — and whether comparison is made with the 1970s or 1960s .
7 In spite of the recession the PSBR continued to fall , though not as fast as had been forecast .
8 Car dealers are bearing the brunt of the recession , and their representative body , the Retail Motor Industry Federation , calls for the abolition of car tax .
9 However , the combined effects of the recession and greater competition caused by the opening of new hotels in nearby Telford , together with a narrow marketing plan , have resulted in bedroom occupancy falling short of the Cassons ' achieved target of 50% .
10 The considerable scope for destocking — the main cause of the recession of the early 1980s — was highlighted by the CSO , which said industry had been building up inventories of unsold goods for two years .
11 In each case , the beginning of the recession is set equal to 100 .
12 Analysing productivity figures may sound duller than predicting the depth of the recession .
13 The sharpest rise in shop sales for almost 12 years encouraged hopes that the worst of the recession is over .
14 Now they have started again , as investors convince themselves that the worst of the recession is over ; as some junk-bond issuers take advantage of falling interest rates and the stockmarket rally to refinance their debt more cheaply or turn it into equity ; and as bond-raiders speculate in distressed companies that they think may restructure themselves or be taken over .
15 Because of the recession , there is a prospect that more of that money will flow back out of Washington afterwards in refunds to taxpayers who did not do as well as in the past .
16 To voters , who hope that a clear result will speed the end of the recession , an unclear result could have precisely the reverse effect .
17 It will mainly be because they have been in office a long time , and because of the recession .
18 One has the awful feeling that at this election , because of the recession and the loss of conviction which has accompanied the ending of the Thatcher era , this tendency may at last be triumphant .
19 Until last year Scotland seemed to have escaped the worst of the recession .
20 Price Waterhouse has already made about 320 redundant since the start of the recession .
21 The South is also the most optimistic about economic prospects over the next year , although there is no evidence of a significant upturn in spending , while savings are ‘ becoming less attractive ’ because of lower interest rates and the feeling that the worst of the recession and increase in jobless is over .
22 SUPERMARKET giant Tesco hailed the end of the recession yesterday , saying that sales at its stores have moved ahead from the low point reached last November .
23 In the second half of the financial year , the bottom of the recession according to the company , sales volumes on a like-for-like basis fell by 2 p.c .
24 Sales growth was evenly spread across the group , but all three divisions continued to feel the impact of the recession in Britain , and , unlike the previous year , suffered from the downturn in North America .
25 But the company said its investment programme helped raise its visibility in a relatively lifeless marketplace and , in the American laboratory market in particular , helped shield it from the worst effects of the recession .
26 But until April , lower interest rates failed to offset the impact of the recession and house prices continued to fall .
27 But the Prime Minister has obviously decided that having ridden the rough waters of the recession , the Chancellor should be given credit for the recovery .
28 Service and manufacturing sectors reported more confidence about improvement , although the regional economy as a whole continues to feel the full effect of the recession , despite a ‘ bottoming out . ’
29 Mr Miller started his London restaurant business Kenny 's at the beginning of the recession and says that , what with high interest rates , business rates and rents , an increase in value added tax , plus the recession , it has had many problems .
30 THE severity of the recession in construction is sorting out the men from the boys in the industry .
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