Example sentences of "[no cls] it [be] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 In fact I think in in those days er it 's mostly the local men that
2 But er it 's not the road that that that it used to be .
3 Er it 's not the is it ?
4 I think there 's a pride that , that the majority of firemen are , are fairly clean and smart erm there are the odd ones that have to be told but it 's not the same sort of discipline now as there was , and I 'm not sure whether it 's right or wrong , all I see I , I enjoy the discipline when I had it , I sometimes wish it was brought back but er it 's not the time now it seems for that type of discipline , so I think they manage well but er I would like to see a little more but perhaps I 'm a bit old fashioned .
5 Er it 's not the date the place was built , it 's the date it er the last time that that particular area was erm rebuilt .
6 So it is I I I wo n't predict you know how it 's gon na be too much you know because obviously er it 's just the day to day living is quite difficult for most people have to work and cope with their families and you know so there 's not going to be er that the fundamentals are are not gon na be changed and obviously people are gon na be very broke for a long time because in a strike situation you probably do n't ever really quite recover .
7 But er it 's just the luck of the draw , it all depends upon the temper of the particular official that 's handling it I think .
8 And I thought well it 's going to be awkward to get a piece of wood for that I mean knowing your dad with wood I know Anyhow I said er it 's just the right height for me
9 but er it 's just the same , the they
10 And er it 's now the part of the you can er go to a picnic area along here .
11 Well it 's only it 's only a er er It 's only the the the journey from the mind to the heart .
12 Er it 's only the two little ones .
13 Um I think um where I 've seen things that er discussed under the heading of child sex abuse erm er it 's often the case that um y'know maybe in some families you find the situation where there 's a daughter who 's being abused by the father and then when the brother gets old enough to take an interest in sexuality , he joins in as well sort of thing and it 's er y'know it 's like there 's two blokes abusing the girl .
14 In order to cover any er any rights which are lost and secondly er it 's inevitably the case that we are particularly disappointed er that the proposals are not retrospective .
15 Thing was in fairness Martin er er it 's actually the sociability side er both both of you talked about the house did n't you and how , how long you came here and of course I changed it to how , the directions er which you gave me now
16 Er er it were just the same on a motorcycle the faster he 'll go the better they 'd like it !
17 Vince started it and Cath 's got a bit of it , well sh it 's not the flu as yet but
18 Well it 's j it 's just the same problem as playing string parts on on wind instruments , you
19 Erm it is n't the doctors you see that are awkward .
20 Erm it 's also the infrastructure that will be required by such a settlement .
21 Erm it 's also the case that , particularly when abuse is of this sort of y'know like I was just describing y'know stroking , caressing , all that kind of things um it a lot of erm in some cases very confused feelings on the part of the people who 've been abused .
22 And they 're low to the ground , so the ground effect and that so the air can go over there , breaks up here and gets thrown off erm it 's just the air .
23 Erm it 's exactly the same varnish stain as this .
24 my Lord I do n't think that 's different , erm it 's not the restriction , one saying that the res the , the , it 's not restricting competition it 's simply an entry condition , but it does n't have the effect of taking anybody outside of the market who should be there
25 Erm Well that 's tricky , because the , the object is n't what goes in here erm it 's actually the whole thing .
26 And erm it was just the same as any other day .
27 And they had a strap and they used to carry all the weight on their foreheads and on , and through their necks , and they used to climb , we went up to seventeen and a half thousand feet , and they climbed up with all these bags and they cooked for us and they got river water for us and sometimes they had to walk a kilometre to the river to go and get the water and then carry it back again er with the band around their heads and so initially it seemed quite difficult to accept them doing this for you , but for them it was a job and erm it was probably the only sort of job that they could get .
28 Yeah , erm , I was going to is that erm it was always the same , two jobs down so it was due to go his boss would have then I 've been there as well cos he 's caused such a stink
29 Yes , well erm it it is n't the effect of the changing er E C grant that 's elsewhere in the budget and legislative changes item with the increasing cost there er , if you can change the grant or for instance where we 're getting less grant from the E C.
30 But , it , it ba it 's basically the penaltriusm idea that , for example , supposing I sacrifice my life , saving three of my siblings , okay ?
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