Example sentences of "[no cls] and [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The pulsar has a period of 102ms and slows with a characteristic age of 17,300yr .
2 It 's continental and is not is not U K and that was a hundred pounds , more or less for his fee and and buying a and buying at a discount through somebody who I knew buying this new shower and the tappy things , you know
3 Reduce the heat to gas mark 5/190&C/375&F and cook for a further 15–20min , until the quiches are set .
4 Midway , a loop road branches from the A683 and runs at a higher level before rejoining it two and a half miles further on .
5 Student management system programs are written mainly in COBOL77 and run on a Prime 2755 minicomputer rated at 1.6 mips with 4 Mb of main memory and 1.1 Gigabytes of disk storage .
6 An old gentleman from Stowmarket , his name 's Mr I 'm sure it was because er , you see , my father and I used to go up Stowmarket Road sometimes after church or chapel and er and go for a walk up there and used to meet this Mr who played the organ Stowmarket and very course but erm but I had a wonderful life really
7 The adsorption was read at 549 nm and compared with a scale of the NANA standard .
8 The transfer function of the circuit of figure 8.5(a) is where R' represents the resistance of R in parallel with R L , while the transfer function of the circuit of figure 8.5(b) is or Respective comparison of equations ( 8.11 ) and ( 8.14 ) with equations ( 8.17 ) and ( 8.18 ) reveals that the circuit of figure 8.5(a) responds similarly to that of figure 8.3(a) and acts as a low-pass filter while the circuit of figure 8.5(b) responds similarly to that of figure 8.3(b) and acts as a high-pass filter .
9 If that 's the big success that everyone predicts , Donington could keep the European Grand Prix and emerge as a rival to Silverstone when the latter 's contract for the British Grand Prix runs out in l996 .
10 After twenty minutes or so , turn the oven down to gas mark 4 , 180°C/325°F and roast for a further twenty minutes per pound .
11 So Keith has been doing a lot of work erm and putting on a database information about office traffic , Y T occupancy ,
12 Bake for 15min , then reduce the heat to gas mark 5/190°C/375°F and cook for a further 10min , or until the pastry is browned and crisp .
13 Those radicals ( among whom Gaitskell was , oddly , not numbered ) who wanted to abolish the public schools , or amalgamate them somehow into the maintained system , persuaded themselves for a time that if this were done , and if everyone had a chance to take the 11 + and compete for a place at a grammar school , then justice would have been done and educational standards would be secure .
14 ARC A midsole cushioning system using a piece of Hytrel encapsulated in soft PU and shaped like a jigsaw piece .
15 The transfer function of the circuit of figure 8.5(a) is where R' represents the resistance of R in parallel with R L , while the transfer function of the circuit of figure 8.5(b) is or Respective comparison of equations ( 8.11 ) and ( 8.14 ) with equations ( 8.17 ) and ( 8.18 ) reveals that the circuit of figure 8.5(a) responds similarly to that of figure 8.3(a) and acts as a low-pass filter while the circuit of figure 8.5(b) responds similarly to that of figure 8.3(b) and acts as a high-pass filter .
16 At Sunbury he reached the M3 and accelerated to a reckless 50 m.p.h .
17 New England in the Fall is quite as beautiful as everyone says but the weather is fickle — we arrived in a sunny 82°F and left in a foggy 36°F .
18 From here take the path which starts from Wythburn Church car park running parallel to the A591 and linking with a minor road running along the west side of Thirlmere Reservoir ( 3 miles ) .
19 The markka , which had been pegged to the European currency unit ( ECU ) in June [ see p. 38297 ] , had been allowed to float temporarily by the Bank of Finland the previous day , after speculative pressure had caused short-term interest rates to rise to 30 per cent and resulted in a heavy capital outflow .
20 An government austerity programme which went into effect on June 1 raised rates for public utilities by up to 30 per cent and planned for a further devaluation of the colón and a C6,000 million reduction in public spending ( as at June 18 the official exchange rate was US$1.00=C88.8 ) .
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