Example sentences of "[no cls] but [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So from that point of view they are in a better position er than we are , er but of the European erm powers , or countries , er the two er neutral countries of Sweden and Switzerland , er they are what I call classic examples .
2 And then you thought well no , no it would n't because , and why would n't it , er but on the other hand there might be some good things about it and what were they ,
3 But er but at the same time
4 Erm but on the other hand and so it 's valid to say he represents the American dream yeah ?
5 erm but on the other side , I do think I want to say this afternoon that erm the church is trying to do something .
6 Now obviously this can happen a bit , but I do n't think , on the whole it happens very much , at least certainly not in a way that matters erm I do n't think it does matter if people change things a little bit , because erm but on the whole people are doing things in the way that they 're doing them erm because they 've got accustomed to doing them that way and that 's the way that they 've planned it , and that 's the way that it comes out as a result of all of those pressures that there are on them .
7 Currently , the typical monthly payment for a £50,000 endowment mortgage is £554.27. * But in the first year of HeadStart 531 , this would drop to just £287.15** — a very impressive saving !
8 This uses the same 1272cc engine as the G40 but without the unique G-lader blower .
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