Example sentences of "be directed at " in BNC.

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1 The forum would now use the information to ‘ press for changes in legislation to enable more money and resources to be directed at the problem , while at the same time doing all we can to enable local people to find local solutions ’ .
2 Marketing efforts should therefore be directed at one or two such potential key customers .
3 The EPA has an enormous education job on its hands , which should be directed at green enthusiasts and sceptics alike .
4 This reassurance , though commonly assumed to be directed at the British , was almost equally directed at Europe 's smaller countries .
5 With this increasingly active role which Highlander was playing in the civil rights movement , it was only a matter of time until the reactionary extremism , which the blacks had long been fighting against , began to be directed at Highlander itself .
6 Standing well back , using the spray technique described earlier , a jet of caustic cleaner should be directed at one spot until the soil is liquified and the clean surface can be seen .
7 Things began to improve in the nineteenth century , however , when more coordinated methods were employed , and for the first time , digging began to be directed at finding out about Pompeii , rather than making a profit .
8 The violence , Nails knew from experience , would be directed at himself .
9 They are also more likely to be directed at people below retirement age ; indeed , the latest challenge in micro-surgery appears to be successful operations on ever younger patients .
10 Such programmes should be directed at lifestyle rather than disease detection , and targeted at improving the health of women of all ages .
11 In order to maintain health , both personal and public , much energy has to be directed at maintaining an external environment which is as safe as possible , not only for the present but for future generations to inherit .
12 A contract which requires a supplier to close a NHS ward will occasion political comment which is likely to be directed at the Health Authority at least initially .
13 The Stroh Violin was commonly employed ; this was a violin fitted with a soundbox and horn so the upper harmonics of violin tone could be directed at the recording machine .
14 The crude satire seems to be directed at the fashionable protest singers of the time , who , while singing songs against the materialistic values of American society , are worried about the receipts from their concerts .
15 Modules could then be directed at issues which teachers themselves see as of central concern .
16 It has to be directed at providing jobs , for that is one of the two keys in what needs to be a two-pronged attack on the recession .
17 It wants guidelines on the frequency of such commercials , and questioned whether the ads should be directed at children at all .
18 For example , if language difficulties identified from an assessment can be described in terms of a functional analysis , and an environmental deficit , remedial procedures might be directed at rearranging the contingencies in the child 's natural environment .
19 The second basic historical principle is that of discrimination in the use of force : that the use of weapons should be directed at military targets and should as far as possible avoid damage to the civilian population and buildings such as churches , museums , historic monuments and hospitals , as well as neutral states and their nationals .
20 those which employ a method or means of combat which can not be directed at a specific military objective ; or
21 But whatever criticisms might be directed at the Japanese judgment , it remains important as the one case in which a court has ruled on the legality of actual use of nuclear weapons .
22 These ‘ free attacks ’ will be directed at the slowest character , who will almost certainly be slain .
23 The same criticism can , with perhaps less force , be directed at the translation of the Ameslan gestures .
24 Crude advertising discrimination has tended to be directed at the socialist rather than social-democratic press , thus exempting the mass-circulation , pro-Labour papers that have flourished ; … small circulation publications further to the left which have tended to be poor advertising media , judged by the commercial criterion employed by advertising agencies , have probably also suffered as a consequence of overt political discrimination .
25 Last year , Sony Corp bought a licence to Apple Computer Inc 's AppleTalk network so that Macs could be networked with its News Unix workstations , and it has now taken the logical next step and its computer subsidiary will market Macs for attaching to networks of Sony workstations in Japan , with much of the business to be directed at use within the Sony group companies .
26 Before pursuing this theme , attention should be directed at the other issue arising from Brockway 's declaration , the abolitionist stance , which eschews efforts to improve life within prisons in favour of seeking to be entirely rid of the prison system .
27 Moreover , even if particular impulses are not mainly directed at pleasure , the typical ones do seem to be directed at the occurrence of certain states of ourselves , so that even if not hedonistic they are egoistic .
28 Indeed we will see that the outcome of the Keynesian view is that monetary policy should be directed at interest rates , rather than the money supply , but that in any case monetary policy should be subsidiary to fiscal policy .
29 One possible solution was that fiscal policy could be used exclusively for the management of the level of employment , and monetary policy could be directed at raising interest rates to attract capital inflows and thereby offset the increase in imports in the balance of payments accounts .
30 These instruments can be directed at the two monetary targets , the money supply and interest rates .
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