Example sentences of "be preparing [art] " in BNC.

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1 They 've got another eagle coming and they 're preparing a cage for him . ’
2 You had to satisfy the Traffic Commissioners , that what you are proposing would , would answer the cause , would n't give rise to erm great hardships to the travelling public and erm oh you 're preparing a fare increase about a year before it actually came up to , in front of the Commissioners and then he would erm , perhaps make some alterations or give you a date when you could apply .
3 when you 've got a budget for an oncoming year , assuming you and I are here together in November ninety three and we 're preparing a budget up till November ninety four , can you ever have precise figures which will be accurate to the last pound ?
4 As a matter of fact , I 'm preparing a paper on the side effects for the medical association at this very moment .
5 The man who hopes to be Chancellor next week can not surely be preparing a leap in the dark .
6 These also seem to be the stories enticing actors Madonna , for example , is said to be preparing a screen version of the life of another anguished martyr : the tormented Mexican painter Frida Kahlo .
7 Unfortunately , it seems likely that Mr Waldegrave may be preparing a basis on which to reject the EC call for a ban .
8 So i it was n't a very easy thing then to get them and as I say you 'd be preparing a fare increase which , perhaps a ha'penny on certain fares and a penny on fares above a certain range and you had to allow for depreciation , or resistance in the public travelling but er as long as you could always bring in a little extra from a fare increase it was worthwhile going forward .
9 In September Iran was again reported to be preparing a three-pronged offensive , the central thrust aimed at Basrah .
10 Shadow Chancellor Gordon Brown is reported to be preparing a major economic policy initiative to be unveiled at the Labour conference .
11 In 1759 the French were known to be preparing an invasion of Scotland in which French forces would sail and rouse any remaining Stuart rebels .
12 So if you need any help , a ‘ Come and Try It Day ’ , publicity , help with facilities etc. contact your Regional Rep. ( see Jan 1982 Q.T. Notes ) She is already in contact with the regional Sports Council and during the next few months will be preparing an overall programme for the whole Region .
13 If the whole class is involved in researching a topic — which might include using the computer , browsing through the library , watching a video programme — it becomes easier to supervise the work of one small group ( that might , for example , be preparing an interview ) .
14 Danny McCann , Mairead Farrell and Sean Savage were shot dead after the SAS was called into Gibraltar in 1988 to help police there round up a suspected IRA unit thought to be preparing an attack on British troops .
15 The picture of the brutal rule of the Jews , for which Social Democracy was said to be preparing the way in Germany , provided the catalyst in the link-up of anti-Semitism and anti-Marxism .
16 This is on the understanding that it is you personally who will be preparing the material .
17 The Sun also seems to be preparing the ground for a late smear .
18 I knew that the military and particularly the Civil Affairs Service ( CASB ) would be urgently at work , and that Colonel Glass in charge of publicity , who had taken part in our Simla planning , would be preparing the way .
19 How the hell can I calm down when that fucking idiot of a chef has got the entire kitchen staff making canapés when they should be preparing the buffet ?
20 ‘ As the one who 'll probably be preparing the evening meal — ’
21 Joel Weiner , marketing executive of Kraft General Foods It is precisely because we are not complacent about this issue that the Government have been preparing a major Food Bill since October 1987 .
22 In Arequipa I had watched women in the church of Santo Domingo giggle happily as they dressed the Virgin for a procession ; , behaving much as if they had been preparing a girl for a wedding , not a poor girl though , rather one Velasquez might be called upon to paint .
23 Since early summer , workmen have been preparing a new home for Mark , at Aston Farm , a mile away .
24 With hindsight , one can see how Mr Gorbachev has been preparing the ground for this week 's changes .
25 I think it must have been left by workmen who had been preparing the crypt for the disposal of some saintly relic or the body of a recently deceased priest .
26 Mr Kinnock appears to have been preparing the ground for a possible arrangement with the Liberal Democrats by stressing his party 's commitment to proportional representation in a Scottish assembly , and to involve other parties in a review of alternative voting systems for the House of Commons .
27 In anticipation of this , and at a time when the economy was already in grave crisis as a result of the US economic embargo , the collapse of trade with eastern Europe ( currently down by an estimated 90 per cent ) and poor sugar harvests , the Cuban government had been preparing the population for worse times ahead .
28 Crosby has been preparing the Roker side for an FA Cup semi-final against Norwich City at Hillsbrough this Sunday with the official title of first team coach .
29 Ron said that he 'd been preparing an obituary of Lord Mountbatten for some time , that Mountbatten had somehow got wind of it and had approached the BBC with a view to taking part .
30 I am preparing a big adhortatio for everyone who has not yet been utterly suffocated and swallowed up by the present age . "
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