Example sentences of "be preparing [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When you 're preparing for the interview make sure that you test yourself and have good answers to basic questions like :
2 ‘ It 's like we 're preparing for Armageddon . ’
3 So when you think about when you 're preparing for your advocacy exercises , the actual content that you prepare , although important , is not going to have the maximum impact .
4 16,000ft up in the Bolivian Andes the miners of the Cerro Rico chew coca leaves , they 're preparing for another day in the tin mines .
5 At T G I Friday 's they 're preparing for another busy day 's trading .
6 At the same time students will be preparing under supervision the results of their field research for presentation as a dissertation and will be attending classes on how to write up anthropological research .
7 Pundits are now beginning to wonder whether Japanese chip makers may be preparing to ‘ leap a generation ’ .
8 Most people have absorbed the idea that there is some sort of accountability at the end of life and that they may well need to be preparing to ‘ meet their maker ’ .
9 I was supposed to be preparing for my mock A levels in History , English and Politics .
10 If he had n't posted bail for her she would now be preparing for her first night in jail .
11 In mid-November , however , Kurdish leaders were reported to be preparing for a fresh economic blockade and an imminent government attack on Kurdish strongholds .
12 Bakut reported on Aug. 30 that NPFL forces had been observed around Monrovia and appeared to be preparing for " hostilities " .
13 No one — least of all your guests — wants you to be preparing in the kitchen for hours , so go for freshness , and all the light and colourful foods available during these summer months .
14 In doing so the student will not merely be preparing in the best possible way for his examination : he will also be developing his mind as a working instrument and preparing himself for legal practice .
15 Although he has had his feet under the desk only since January , he has been preparing for the job since last summer by meeting researchers and officials , visiting institutes abroad and drawing up an initial draft of his plans .
16 They had been preparing for a raid themselves the next day ; a big raid ; five galleys of men , gathered in Arivegaig ready to board the ships in the dawn .
17 While John Paul Jones had been captivating the ladies of Paris the French government had been preparing for the most serious attack on England since the Dutch incursion into the Medway .
18 Richard , of course , had been preparing for some such move .
19 He had , in fact , been preparing for an operation to remove his hernia , which had been scheduled for the beginning of January , but because of his winter illnesses it was postponed until the summer .
20 ‘ We 've been preparing for war for ages .
21 Keeping costs under control , managing our finances well and maintaining innovation in our sales approach are just three examples from a number that illustrate how , as a Division , we have been preparing for 1993 .
22 The students have been preparing for the assessments using open learning materials developed by Telford College .
23 So how have caterers been preparing for these new , stricter temperature controls , and what help have they received from suppliers ?
24 In Scotland , the assessors , in discussions with the Inland Revenue valuation office in Scotland , have been preparing for the actual task of valuation , which will get under way shortly .
25 Retirement is one of the few moments which a politician can choose with deliberation and Baldwin had been preparing for it for months , if not for years .
26 An arctic explorer has been preparing for his latest expedition by spending the weekend in a freezer .
27 The family had been preparing for months .
28 The squadron has been preparing for action for the past 2 weeks .
29 It will be a most welcome first for Derry should they win the Sam Maguire Cup and they have been preparing for their big day with rigorous training sessions under the watchful eye of manager Eamon Coleman who this weekend will outline his strategy in secret conclave with his players .
30 For a long time the industrious Bavarians had been preparing for such an attack .
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