Example sentences of "be released from " in BNC.

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1 People also seem to get this impression that if you 're released from prison the first thing you want is sex .
2 If the film presented an image of typically English virtues — independence of spirit , toughness , sympathy with the underdog — or put the case for the ideals of freedom and parliamentary democracy , then the filmmakers could have the stock they needed , and the necessary artists would be released from the ranks .
3 She would not ask for any further exchange of nuclear information , but she must be released from her obligation not to use the knowledge she already possessed in seeking collaboration with other partners .
4 Unless the pressure is reduced very gradually , the nitrogen cam be released from solution as small bubbles , which can lodge in joints , causing severe pain , or in vital blood vessels , causing paralysis or death .
5 One skipper who sought to reduce the carnage discovered that trapped dolphins could be released from nets by the use of a manoeuvre which came to be known as ‘ backdown . ’
6 But I was thankful when the summer holiday started and I could be released from duties I was finding it harder and harder to cope with .
7 I led on to the subject of the probability of his having shortly to be released from his pain and suffering and hoped that his trust was in his Saviour and he replied , ‘ Oh yes , it is !
8 ‘ Our results show that just as much effluent can be released from big bales as from clamps and the fines for polluting waterways are just as severe .
9 The lowering of pH in fact causes aluminium to be released from clays ( in which it abounds ) , and this causes the fish 's gills to produce mucus , which reduces their ability to absorb oxygen .
10 Vyaches lav Bakhmin , a member of the working commission , was due to be released from a camp in the Tomsk region on 12 February .
11 In older animals , capsaicin causes these peptides to be released from the nerve endings , and repeated doses result in their depletion .
12 In general the larger libraries engage in more structured training and much more training as a whole , than small libraries , and perhaps their domination in this field has tended to obscure the problems faced by smaller authorities who never could — or increasingly , no longer can-base their training programmes on the assumption that staff can easily , or frequently be released from their normal workplace :
13 ‘ Higher staffing levels to enable staff to be released from duties more often ’ …
14 When Hannah declared her ambition to be a teacher , Bloomsbury House replied that it was doubtful ‘ if she could be released from essential work to take up full-time study ’ .
15 Magistrates at Bootle decided that the dog should be released from RSPCA kennels and returned to her owners in Lydiate , Merseyside , despite the fact that she had been found wandering outside her home without a muzzle .
16 Hamilton , who will be released from admin duties to work closer with coach Dave Philpotts on the training field , says : ‘ That suits me fine .
17 LESTER Piggott is to be released from hospital tomorrow , a day before his 57th birthday .
18 It is unlikely the Lynagh will be released from his Italian club duties before May-June , by which time Queensland 's season will be in full swing and the Reds will be playing under a new skipper in Lynagh 's absence .
19 Whenever he spoke to the woman he regretted that he had not stamped his authority and demanded that Gwen should be released from Leconfield and transferred with him , but they had said in Century 's personnel that he must have a secretary who knew the ropes of the Service , and he had acquiesced .
20 The chart shows how much plutonium and HEU might be released from warheads if the INF and START disarmament treaties are implemented .
21 The Uranium Institute , based in London , has calculated that the 816 tonnes of HEU that might be released from American and Soviet disarmament could take the place of 166,000 tonnes of natural uranium , roughly three years ' worth of world demand .
22 Some chairmen expressed their discontent with Citrine 's centralising tendencies , for example , by asking to be released from their turn at occupying one of the four Central Authority seats reserved for them , or by sending deputies to headquarters meetings .
23 One possibility is K + , which will be released from the postsynaptic cell during a tetanus to a degree that will , in part , reflect the level of activation of NMDA receptors .
24 prisoners whose character and record render them suitable … should be released from prison earlier than they are at present .
25 There was a reasonable chance that he might be released from St Elizabeth 's : Eliot himself suggested a private sanatorium , to be followed by a retreat in California or New Mexico .
26 It is accepted procedure that an imprisoned contemnor can apply to the first instance court to purge his contempt and be released from prison .
27 I can see nothing in principle to prevent a contemnor applying to the first instance court to be released from custody on the ground that the failure to serve him with the committal order has kept him in ignorance of the contempts for which he has been imprisoned and that , in the circumstances , justice requires his release .
28 It would , in my opinion , in many ways be more logical for an application to be released from custody on the ground of non-service or delayed service of a committal notice to be made to a first instance judge rather than direct to this court .
29 I recognise that at present this advice is given in confidence but , like Glidewell L.J. , I would foresee little difficulty in the Secretary of State asking to be released from that confidence in pending cases .
30 ‘ They can then be released from Whitely and monitored on our electronic equipment here .
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