Example sentences of "be impossible for " in BNC.

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1 These conditions of participation are impossible for anyone living on supplementary benefit .
2 The team seeks a device that never tires of long and repetitious work , poised in awkward positions , that can cope automatically and speedily with any variation in a complex working environment , that can be kept , if anything , more sterile than any human , and that can operate with an accuracy and steadiness that are impossible for a living hand to attain .
3 It would have been impossible for the Falklands War to be prosecuted successfully with every decision coming to the full Cabinet of twenty-three members , a state of affairs that would have taken every other item off the agenda .
4 Throughout industry this election day , a host of trade unionists are waiting with acute anxiety , nursing their hopes : a Labour victory will enable them to reassert their influence on factories throughout the land , in a manner that has been impossible for a decade .
5 If it had been impossible for one reason or another to use a boat on the water I would have done the best I could with a plummet and noted what I could see from the banks .
6 Life , in fact , would have been impossible for most higher forms , with only the hardiest microbes surviving .
7 Even so , it would have been impossible for an insect to grow much larger , say to have a girth more than a quarter of an inch in diameter .
8 It would have been impossible for Liza not to realise her growing power over the opposite sex , nor fail to notice the kind of dumb adoration in which Corporal Carrow held her .
9 The coolers had been a stumbling block , an item that had been impossible for the restoration crew to find .
10 The thought of it had been impossible for so long that it took some getting used to .
11 That would have been impossible for the Shah .
12 ‘ Oh , of course — the meeting to discuss the Christmas bazaar , ’ said Ianthe , remembering now that it would have been impossible for her to have had the quiet evening she had planned .
13 The system has also been ported to an MS-DOS environment , an operation which would have been impossible for the rule-based system .
14 That is the objection er the whole fundamental objection to what is proposed in the Bill as it is a centralising measure was shown quite clearly er er a a by the desire of the Home Secretary to increase his own power as when he intended to appoint the Chairman absolute impudence in my view er to suggest tha that he he should have had the power to appoint a chairman and although congratulations have now been er er poured upon him for withdrawing to wh what 's a position , I would sooner congratulate your er Your Lordships , er all of whom spoke in such a manner that it would have been impossible for the Home Secretary to have carried the measure through .
15 Her awareness of him was so intense that if his whole body had been dominating hers it would have been impossible for her to have felt more at the mercy of her own emotions .
16 A baby then would have been impossible for them both .
17 It would surely have been impossible for anyone to stay morose when surrounded by all these excited , giggling children , and frankly , seeing the problems some of the handicapped youngsters had to contend with had made her horribly ashamed of her own self-absorption .
18 Just a few months ago walking like this would have been impossible for 12 year old Ashley Smith .
19 A huge , icing-covered cake with a welcome-home message from airport staff greeted the plucky youngster on her arrival and she quickly tucked into the tasty treat — something that would have been impossible for her just a few months ago .
20 There was no suggestion that this order would be impossible for the husband to comply with or would cripple his business .
21 ‘ … this is only the beginning of what they will do ; and nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them ’ ( 11.6 ) .
22 It would be impossible for anyone who was there to forget her singing , particularly of the Agnus Dei .
23 If this brilliant colt attempts the Triple Crown , in Louisville , Maryland , and New York , it would be impossible for him to take in Epsom .
24 Given the information I have gathered it will be impossible for a nanny without any recognised qualification to get any liability insurance for claims against her .
25 Given our record , I 'd imagined that it would be impossible for us to spend a night under the same roof without spending it together .
26 The kitchen is a workplace in its own right ; there is a job to be done , and it will be impossible for the speechreader to deal with the matter in hand if eyes have to be constantly switched to the speaker 's face .
27 Both Kolisko 's and Boyd 's experiments were painstaking and proved to be impossible for other workers to replicate because of the complicated experimental apparatus involved .
28 And the few new sites made available through the Countryside Stewardship Access Scheme would be impossible for most people to find , said Douglas Hart , who monitored seven out of the 11 locations in Suffolk .
29 ‘ It will be impossible for Britain to find another like him .
30 In the House of Commons , Clement Attlee reiterated that it would be impossible for Britain ‘ to accept the principle that the most vital economic forces of this country should be handed over to an authority that is utterly undemocratic and is responsible to nobody ’ .
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