Example sentences of "be sent out " in BNC.

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1 And that 's alright till you 're sent out there on a frosty morning , ai n't it , and you dig your fork in .
2 Yakovlev realized this , and recommended that party men be sent out in large numbers from Moscow and the guberniia towns .
3 Has a whole army to be sent out to search for you whenever you 're needed ?
4 These will not be sent out until December 20 .
5 These will not be sent out until December 20 .
6 If Wilson 's maid could be guaranteed to clean the rooms each day and deal with washing , which could be sent out , and empty the slops and bring up hot water then that would suffice .
7 Writs for the holding of the regard in forests such as Sherwood , Galtres , pickering , Inglewood and Rutland continued to be sent out from the Chancery during the fifteenth century , but the Forest Eyre , which would have punished offences revealed by the regard , had now almost fallen into desuetude .
8 SELDOM SEEN : The ‘ Where is Gerald Kaufman ’ jokes backfired on the Conservatives when Mr Chris Patten called for search parties to be sent out only five minutes after the Shadow Foreign secretary had appeared at Labour 's morning conference .
9 Invitations to other political parties and representatives of business , trade unions and churches would be sent out immediately in the wake of an election victory to broaden the membership of the party 's working group under Prof Raymond Plant .
10 A tender list of six firms was prepared in accordance with Standing Orders , but on the day they were due to be sent out , Mr Holdsworth was instructed to add a seventh .
11 Two ground plans were to be sent out by Austin .
12 The first quarterly accounts with the new rates will be sent out in July .
13 After 26th July NO TICKETS will be sent out , but can be collected from the Tattoo Office , 31/33 Waverley Bridge , Edinburgh , on your arrival in the city .
14 She expected to be sent out with a flea in her ear .
15 In his concern , Jesus pleads for workers to be sent out into the harvest field .
16 PRESIDENT George Bush will be sent out of office still haunted by the Irangate hostages-for-arms scandal .
17 Mrs Thatcher agreed to allow the Report to be sent out for consultation , but asked for one alteration .
18 Activists quickly arranged for publicity material to be sent out so that news of the Changsha situation reached other major cities as well as the outside world .
19 I 'll need dog-handlers immediately and they 'll have to be sent out to Pontino , there 's no need for them to check in here first — the girl they released is in shock .
20 The manager was advised to start by walking his zone so as to familiarize himself with it , and then ‘ scouts ’ would be sent out to call at homes whilst ‘ reliable boys ’ could be hired to ‘ politely deliver heralds ’ .
21 The workhouse management committee recommended that ‘ with regard to children still in the workhouse , the older girls should be employed , when not at school , in making/mend or other useful work and as soon as practicable should be sent out as domestic servants ’ .
22 3 A specific list can be prepared from this list every time information needs to be sent out .
23 However , if photographs are to be sent out they must be captioned .
24 Thus if you want the news to break at roughly the same time the material will have to be sent out at intervals appropriate to the lead times of the publications concerned , and there is always the risk that the nationals will hear of the item and decide to publish it .
25 If the shot is to be sent out in black and white the colour must be ignored and the shot viewed in terms of tones of grey .
26 If the queries coming into the public relations or press office are short questions they can usually be answered on the spot , but quite often they will be in the form of a general request for information on a specific topic and it could be that your organisation has in its files a good deal of material which could be sent out .
27 It encouraged the tendency for uncoordinated initiatives to be taken at different levels of the diplomatic hierarchy and contradictory signals to be sent out to foreign powers .
28 Mary would be sent out like a rowing boat among the waiting fleet — a word here , a suggestion there , showing again the presence of the command vessel .
29 and cry , then be sent out — to her .
30 An appropriate set of product communications needs to be sent out at the very earliest opportunity and more expensive , albeit more responsive media , such as a telephone , should be brought into effect .
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