Example sentences of "be some reason " in BNC.

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1 Nostalgia apart , there are some reasons to dislike photocomposition .
2 Here are some reasons :
3 It 's only natural for defeated parties to grab at such explanations , but there are some reasons for believing that the result of the general election in Scotland owed more to Conservative skill at exploiting the mechanics of registration and demography than to any ‘ principled ’ decision-making by voters .
4 Nevertheless there are some reasons for thinking that we are acquainted with the ‘ I ’ .
5 As will be seen in my concluding remarks , there are some reasons for believing that the era of a true psychoanalytic psychology of the superego is about to dawn .
6 So why do n't we reply to the people who put this suggestion that in reprinting it 'll be taken into account but there are some reasons that we ca n't follow it completely and that , two chief of which are different , where colour is used for coding and erm , secondly what Richard has just said .
7 it 's sort of in relation to it , there must of been some reason why he said that to take them to , hear more to other people
8 Now , if we can do it , and it 's not magic , then there must be some reasons we can do it , some rules we 're following , and those rules can in principle be put into computers .
9 Even if there is no impairment in an individual 's ability to become aware of a hazard to safety , there may be some reason why he is prevented from taking the necessary avoiding action .
10 There had to be some reason why , some factor strong enough to outweigh all his obvious qualifications .
11 There 's got to be some reason we all drop dead in the end . ’
12 I said well there must be some reason ?
13 I mean yeah as you say he 's very high personable person , there must be some reason behind it er and a lot of the theoretical reasons that he says of
14 ‘ Maybe you 're pure and white as the driven snow , but you have to face the fact that there must be some reason why those men waylaid you .
15 in other words I 'm trying to work out why this is spiritual lives and not spiritual lives you know there must be some reason why
16 Cor there must be some reason for it of course , perhaps they 're not , not erm picking up or yes I could easily of bought erm a couple bottles of wine to make that
17 What this means is that B should have raised the substance of his Convention claim under any domestic procedure which was capable of giving him a remedy , including any avenues of appeal , unless , according to Commission practice , there were some reason for excusing him from doing so .
18 There is some reason to doubt that all the discrepancies can be eliminated by taking account of the short-term/long-term distinction : Lantz 's ( 1973 ) demonstration of superior latent inhibition with spaced trials came from a procedure in which the first conditioning trial followed the last trial of pre-exposure ; James ' ( 1971 ) demonstration of perfect retention used , in training , the interstimulus intervals typical of studies of short-term habituation .
19 There is some reason for such an approach since agreements between management and labour were reached within a framework of national collective bargaining .
20 There is some reason to believe them , despite the first instinct to be sceptical , since they already have access to plenty of mind-bending substances , from alcohol and tobacco to diet pills .
21 But if appointment as a lord of session was major patronage at any period in Scotland 's history , there was in the eighteenth century considerable demand for any post which could make use of legal education , for there is some reason to believe that the country was oversupplied with lawyers in view of the desperate efforts which some of them made to obtain a salaried post , no matter how minor .
22 However , there is some reason for thinking that Freud may have had something else in mind , namely , the symbols which occur in dream life , some of which are widespread among different cultures and epochs .
23 This is a pity because , as Hazel Mews has indicated , there is some reason to be cautiously disappointed about the effectiveness of library instruction programmes at present :
24 Historians have quarrelled about that since Thucydides and perhaps before ( for there is some reason to think that he was writing to correct what he saw as error , notably about the Megarian decree , for which see p. 91 ) .
25 As will be shown below , there is some reason , though not perhaps positive evidence , for supposing that his appointment to the Muftilik occurred relatively late in his life ; and there seems also to be good reason to suppose that his appointment to the muderrislik of the Manastir medrese occurred before his appointment to the kadilik since it was usual even in the early days of the Ottoman state for a man to have done some teaching before being appointed to as important a kadilik as that of the capital city .
26 Thus even though a clearly recognizable individual equivalent of the mother-goddesses of primal agriculture will probably never be found in early childhood , there is some reason to believe that it may manifest itself later in life .
27 Although people do not always do what they say they do , where there is a mismatch between what they do and say , we can assume that there is some reason for this .
28 you know in other words it might take a bit of time to work it out , there is some reason why he must of said that must n't did n't he ?
29 The maths that you do ties up in some way with usually ties up with reality there 's some reason for it .
30 Something had disturbed her , there was some reason why she should be awake .
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