Example sentences of "be at hand " in BNC.

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1 Until now the only sure solution has been to grow peaches under glass , but help may be at hand .
2 Details of clothing grants , free school meals and community contacts should also be at hand .
3 So for all you prospective parents out there help may be at hand in around two years time .
4 One of the senior staff in the Home should be at hand to deal with formalities .
5 A BREAKTHROUGH may be at hand in combating one of the most perplexing diseases of adolescence , juvenile diabetes .
6 But an end to illicit trafficking in these drugs may be at hand .
7 Whatever happens , Tendulkar is no doubt resting easily at night safe in the knowledge that Geoffrey Boycott has already emerged as a sort of godfather figure , willing to be called on to help at any time , to be party to any photo opportunity that may be at hand .
8 A suicidal gesture is another , often unconsciously made when help is likely to be at hand .
9 HELP could soon be at hand for Britain 's 500,000 stammerers .
10 Some relief may be at hand .
11 Government forces had constantly to be at hand .
12 Help may be at hand , tough , in the shape of a small development team called Direct Designs .
13 Well , help may be at hand from two fronts .
14 Oxygen , suction and emergency equipment must be at hand and in working order .
15 If you 're fed up with your teenage children getting under your feet in the school holidays , help may be at hand .
16 If either of you should get into difficulties , help will be at hand .
17 An effective solution to the problem may now be at hand .
18 So when the recent rains filled the gutters and left my back garden awash , I assumed an end to the ban might be at hand .
19 So , er , help may be at hand in the future .
20 Officers will be at hand to assist any disabled persons .
21 If you 've ever worried about how to get a spider out of your bath … help could be at hand .
22 But help may be at hand in the form of Holly , a dalmatian which is the middle of a phantom pregnancy .
23 But the time must be at hand to see if he can do for Scotland what he is doing for Celtic , and not simply because of injury to others .
24 So when our Lord spoke about the Kingdom of Heaven being at hand , he was referring to its being qualitatively present .
25 The proper instrument for the purpose not being at hand , a man was sent to get it from the Bedford Infirmary .
26 Most of them involved ‘ killings committed impulsively with whatever means were at hand ’ , usually by ‘ men in their 60s or 70s [ who ] had reached breaking point under the continuing strain of looking after wives with severe mental or physical illness ’ .
27 Scapegoats were at hand .
28 One could wish that to celebrate this moving occasion ( for it is at least a partial farewell ) a master of verbal portraiture were at hand ; though so elusive is personality , so unlike the impression that the same person may make on different observers , we might well have no great faith in the verisimilitude of the sketch , if produced .
29 For our purposes , one of the most important characteristics of the Essenes was their apocalyptic vision — their insistence that the Last Times were at hand and that the advent of the Messiah was imminent .
30 Changes were at hand , however .
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