Example sentences of "be a success " in BNC.

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1 No matter how they cheer , or what they do , when you do that one thing that you 've always wanted to do , that 's when you 're a success .
2 I tried , so I am a success .
3 I am a success .
4 Our first and subsequent courses have been a success and are part of a long-term commitment to AIDS prevention .
5 Nevertheless , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , I think that this needs saying , quite calmly and objectively , in this commentary , which will not spare me when I have done badly or in the wrong spirit or left half-done , but will not either , in a spirit of false modesty , gloss over those things in my life and work which have been a success , even , mildly , a triumph .
6 Iraq , a signatory to the non-proliferation treaty , appears to have managed to divert nuclear materials to bomb-making despite regular safeguard inspections , but the treaty has been a success on the whole — as indeed has been the complex structure of hot-line , surveillance and negotiation which has ensured that the East-West ‘ balance of terror ’ never tipped over into nuclear war :
7 In general , the theory has been a success .
8 One of his ballets , La Sylphide , certainly has been a success all over the world .
9 But does Attalli feel EBRD has been a success in its grander strategy ?
10 IT WAS 9.15 on Tuesday night , the din of a thousand jubilant Tories echoed round a Wembley conference hall and the verdict from the critics was that John Major 's final rally address had been a success .
11 In this respect the article would appear to have been a success .
12 Our little foray has been a success , ’ Maggie announced .
13 Despite the débâcle over the march , the rally had been a success and the DHAC returned to the Guildhall in late August for its largest and most successful demonstration so far , in the council chamber .
14 Whether you have just passed your driving test , made your first pot of jam or walked into a room full of strangers , you have been a success .
15 The Financial Times , for example ( 1986 ) , has suggested that ‘ there is little doubt that in commercial terms the LDDC has been a success ’ .
16 An early experiment in 1963 using explosives had not been a success , and in 1981 the geophysicists turned to Vibroseis .
17 None has been a success .
18 The government claim that GP fund-holding has been a success .
19 The scheme has been a success for fund-holders ' own patients , but detrimental to the rest .
20 What is already clear is that it has been a success in developing our own AI-skilled personnel .
21 The chairman of the carnival committee , Mrs Bailey , said in her speech at the ‘ supper and entertainment ’ that the event had been a success , and hoped it had ‘ laid the foundation for what may become an annual event ’ .
22 It had been a success .
23 The social scientist charged with monitoring and evaluating the project ( Goodman 1979 ) refused to answer the question as to whether or not the experiment had been a success , asserting that this was the wrong question .
24 William Charles had no doubt been a success in his own terms , for all that .
25 The initiative has been a success in terms of sales .
26 The single company PEP , which was introduced on 1 January this year , has also been a success .
27 As far as she was concerned , the tea had been a success .
28 She knew that she had been a success and that Ludo was proud of her .
29 ‘ This has been a success story for Bradford supporters , ’ added Caisley .
30 The argument goes that if an issue has been over-subscribed , people who come in late already know that it has been a success and are therefore cutting down their risk .
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