Example sentences of "[no cls] [unc] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The size of a semi-empirical calculation is thus much less than that of an ab initio calculation for the same molecule , even if only first row elements are concerned .
2 Magistrates used the in loco parentis provision of the Criminal Justice Act to impel the authority to compensate the 78-year-old woman who had her bag snatched by the youth .
3 The Elton Committee suggested that there was some doubt about the application of the in loco parentis principle to the disciplining of pupils — for its application would mean that a parent 's request to a school for a particular form of punishment not to be administered to his/her child would have to be granted .
4 This also implies that the Eb message or protein is the limiting factor in the expression of the E α/; β heterodimer on the cell surface of these mice .
5 This gives an a posteriori justification of the method used to solve Exercise 6 of Chapter 2 .
6 Well the man nearly went through the roof and er , this was a Saturday morning , of course he did n't come , and in the meantime I had another replai re complaint about the path outside the W I hall , again which was a disgrace , not one person but several people .
7 The use of the ultra vires doctrine as the basis for review posed a number of serious problems .
8 Money paid by a citizen to a public authority in the form of taxes or other levies paid pursuant to an ultra vires demand by the authority was therefore held to be prima facie recoverable by the citizen as of right .
9 I would therefore hold that money paid by a citizen to a public authority in the form of taxes or other levies paid pursuant to an ultra vires demand by the authority is prima facie recoverable by the citizen as of right .
10 Yet in my view there is nothing in the authorities which precludes your Lordship 's House from laying down that money paid by way of tax following an ultra vires demand by the revenue is recoverable .
11 This means that history can not provide an unquestionable ground for knowledge , and that historicity can not claim an a priori privilege as the fundamental mode of being either .
12 Data = Smooth + Rough This choice of words helps to emphasize that we impose no a priori structure on the form of the fit .
13 What is required , and what Peacock presented , was a thorough review of all the possible changes including changes to the commercial television sector which could be introduced in the future without having an a priori commitment to the status quo .
14 Back in Britain writing my last newsletter to the Group in Scotland I had loved and brought together , I said that I thought we had to be much bolder , taking an a priori stance on the fact that there could be no discrimination against women .
15 So there is an a priori justification for the shell 's shape as well as a natural way for the shape to be created — its structure and its function are consistent .
16 Once we 've done that perhaps we can sit this particular lay info information on the back of the card so we 're covering
17 Just one point , you said er passing water through the ur er blood through the urine is two things er
18 She was elected as Tory leader in 1975 as the voice of petit bourgeois protest in the constituencies , as against grandees like Whitelaw , Carrington , or Pym .
19 Byrne argues that the greater disparities in income result from a combination of a laissez faire approach to the wages of the more highly paid and a deliberate policy of ‘ driving down the wages of the lower paid ’ .
20 One of the chief reasons for its loss of support had been the protracted struggle between Prime Minister David Lange and his Finance Minister , Roger Douglas , the architect of Labour 's laissez faire approach to the economy , colloquially known as " Rogernomics " .
21 Now I I I do n't think there 's any doubt about this Chairman that that particular group bears er comment from us er er part of the er Conservative resolutions made wants to acknowledge the fact that for the first time all parties , members of the parties have n't started to look in detail at these St Albans and many aspect , many aspects of the Consultants ' strategy of starting to appeal .
22 You are entitled to say , Well okay we understand you 've got a problem , we know that there 's an economic er er difficulty across the world , what are you gon na give us in exchange ?
23 My Lords er that clearly is a very serious contribution to the Debate which has to be taken very seriously indeed , er an but I before er responding directly to the er er invitation from the er Minister , I , I just want to summarise very briefly what I think has been the outcome o of this Debate .
24 We will always pay your travel costs whichever you know whichever er er second of the training course you 're on .
25 Now I know erm following a fairly recent er er er case in the house of lords that the courts are er entitled to rely on what ministers say in debate but perhaps the minister could er spell out a little bit more clearly the apparent discrepancy between what he said in his speech and what is on the face of these orders and indeed why it is that the orders in r relation to banking and financial services , adopts a different phraseology er to that used in the orders relating to insurance and building societies .
26 We have been and some would still have us believe , I think it 's true , we 're not out of the woods yet as far as er er recovery of the housing market is concerned .
27 Could we not have er I think procedure is could we not have the er er resolution for the at first and now that a ministry is in motion ?
28 Well that was the that was the er base headquarters of the international brigade , Albusate And then from there , w you were farmed out to the village , which was er er sort of the base , who are responsible for your er particular national battalion , you see er , the the the French people , they they er w they would be in one village , the English and the Canadians er er Americans would be er in this place that we were at , called Tarrazona Er and the Germans w , the German anti-fascists would be er in another .
29 Erm that zoning that allocation in a local plan backed by this erm er er policy in the structure plan would be enough in my judgement to enable the economic development people to actually capture the , get the elephant in the trap .
30 Well , yeah that is , I 'm I mean that 's a completely different er er laxing of the , it 's completely different .
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