Example sentences of "[no cls] [adv] i [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 They did n't a actually I must admit nothing very sexy happened at all .
2 Well , best of luck to you and er right I 'll see you on Monday
3 But I 've come a long way and er so I 'll go back next er Wednesday to the department and er er if people will bear with me and put up with it er I 'll take it er fairly slowly to start with but I dare say there will come a time when er erm you wo n't notice much difference .
4 puts the band before us , but er so I 'll go to Thursdays then on , on er
5 So you know , I mean that 's that 's the er So I 'll see what Kevin comes back to me with first .
6 Er so I would regard this impo this criterion as critical very er it should be given the greatest of weight and erm must be left in .
7 I do n't think we should hold up this one because of it , er so I would like to see the more detailed plans coming to the next meeting of the area committee er , so that residents can comment on this .
8 Now the er th it the resolution does say , where appropriate , and I think that obviously it it 's not inappropriate , it 's not appropriate , to undermine er agreements on the basis of negotiating locally , is what the resolution actually refers to so er so I can see and I would anticipate appropriate would be where it does not undermine er national agreements .
9 So I would suggest that regional and sub- regional policies need to occur much higher up the list and er perhaps I would put them at number one if not number two .
10 Erm er perhaps I could refer just briefly as to why not .
11 planning applications and er er items relating to Poor Lane , er and also the traffic on Station Road later on , er I think it 's rather complicated to talk about all of these at at one go , because I know er different members of the public have come for different reasons and perhaps , for the moment , I 'll not ask for any comments about Mr Smith 's proposals on Poor Lane , er nor er comments about Station Road , er but I will ask you if you want to refer to planning applications , er we have three planning applications , one is to extend the car park behind the pub , one is for a change of plan to one of the houses on the development adjacent to us , er and the third one is er er the plans submitted by Grant Development at Thorney , erm , I suspect most comments will be about the last , er perhaps I should ask first if anybody wants to make any comments about proposals behind the reindeer in , or at Chapel cottage site , does anybody , er in the public want to mention those erm , well we will go on to the one at Thorney then , and you 're Mr Walker ?
12 Now may I say one or two words about our various several of our bilateral programmes and er perhaps I will start with er saying a word or two about what the O D A is doing in Eastern Europe .
13 Er finally I 'd like to reinforce what I said this morning about the strategic importance of a countryside protection policy .
14 Taking us to the news at two a little music for you and er hopefully I shall return next Saturday at twelve o'clock .
15 I wan na erm hopefully er hopefully I can get myself a car once I get the money .
16 Er now I would think that the lexicon itself is just a w a whacking great look up table yes ?
17 Er now I would suggest that if somebody does not make a single spelling mistake and it or or grammatically error and it 's perfectly well presented give them full five marks okay .
18 er now I 'll release one of those things .
19 Er , I think it would be far better to have a streamlined regulatory system which would make the much cheaper and more efficient and I 'm glad that the honourable gentleman seems to be agreeing and perhaps he could try and persuade his honourable mefem member on the front bench that legislation , primary legislation is needed , I 'm glad to hear he 's working on it erm on on the second on the second point he made about the number of regulations , I 'm not sure I would agree with him that the best way of resolving this problem is to have less regulations er er though I would agree with the general er thrust of what he might be saying and that is that if the regulatory system was to concentrate on promoting higher professional standards and have less emphasis on rules and regulations then I think that would help .
20 Yes it only wants stitching up , I said er really I could sit and do it now but I could n't be bothered .
21 No erm su er no hang on , hang on my regional , they want my regional accent er well I would have said it 's standard received northern .
22 Or is it gon na be turning into something that looks like analysis of oh right so it 's like listen to yep fair enough listen to er a joke and er well I 'll tell you what , can you speak up a bit so we can actually get the conversation on here because the I 'm sure the British National Corpus would be interested .
23 He says er well I 'll come along and pick it up .
24 . Er well I 'll put those down , so let's find some of these because obviously you wo n't have met them all , maybe .
25 Yeah so we 're in a lot better state of affairs than er well I must get on .
26 And er then I would see the two two or three cleaners coming out and going on to the coach and cleaning them , and I would say to them , What are they for ?
27 Er I 'll explain why it happened an and then perhaps you 'll hopefully find that you can forgive me , and er then I 'll go on and say one or two of the things that I was gon na say this morning but er did n't .
28 Oh I should think it would be the best part of an hour and er then I 'd go along Street down into Walker Brothers call in my father 's office .
29 I will take it upon myself , in terms of alerting the press as to what er how I would project er my view .
30 Er can you tell me please er how I can avoid a particular charge .
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