Example sentences of "be draw the " in BNC.

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1 Tha that would mean that all pensioners who are drawing the pension from pension funds would be penalised back to the date that you 're talking about .
2 Now erm , you 're making some notes on what to look at when you 're drawing the graph
3 The the actual sludge that 's in there is in the chiller , it 's in the bottom of the water tank where we 're drawing the water from that goes through the cooling system .
4 Erm okay so you 're drawing the function and X goes from nought to what ? to fourteen
5 From these are drawn the heroes and knightly characters who are bound to prevail , as God 's champions , in mortal combat against giants and monsters .
6 The council are to draw the attention of the contractors to the matter .
7 if you did n't put enough middle in it , it would sort of sink then , then it would be drawing the water in
8 We 'll be drawing the winner out of the hat on Friday night .
9 If stationary men would pay more attention to the districts on which they reside … from such materials might be drawn the most complete county histories .
10 One approach would be to draw the line by reference to the degree of probability .
11 The point of this may be to draw the hearer 's attention to the way they kept on running , perhaps against considerable odds .
12 Marler , still holding the executive case he 'd refused to hand to José , noted the curtains were drawn the full length of the large room .
13 But during the next few decades , nitrates and minerals in the Andes , wheat and beef in Argentina , and coffee in Brazil were to draw the railways outwards .
14 If Florian or Nicky were to draw the obvious conclusion from the fact that she and Luke were returning to her apartment together , becoming aware of the affair Luke had wanted to keep secret , now when it was ironically no longer an affair —
15 The point being — and students of life 's dice rolls will appreciate this — that it is the philosopher who is still out there , and the Leeds player who is drawing the loot .
16 Since 1979 , the Government has taken three measures to lower the replacement ratio — that is , to increase the gap between a person 's income when in work compared with when he or she is drawing the dole .
17 Right , because the body is acting in order to protect its vital organs and it 's drawing the blood vessels near the skin , shut down , you 're not needed there , you 're needed here , in the core of the body , because your blood is what warms your skin up , it 's taken away from the skin , then the skin feels cold and clammy , yeah , clammy because of course if there 's no heat , we sweat all the time and especially if somebody 's had an accident or is seriously ill they will be sweating , yes , then there 's nothing to dry the sweat off okay , what happens when we sweat excessively in the summer time ?
18 And it 's drawing the wagon you 've got control right the way through .
19 ‘ Something 's stuck under the terrace , and it 's drawing the flies . ’
20 I bet he 's drawing the diggers and things .
21 The main reason is that as current is drawn the resistance of the windings absorbs some voltage .
22 In the case from which that quotation is drawn the court set aside a questionnaire issued by ACAS on the ground that it was an unlawful exercise of discretion .
23 On the glass is drawn the triangle , and also some of the biomorphs whose genetic formulae entitle them to sit on that particular flat plane .
24 The main aim of humanistic approaches is to draw the learner into an affective engagement with the learning process , to make classroom activities meaningful as experiences which involve the individual as a whole person .
25 The first stage is to draw the static torque/rotor position characteristics for each of the three phases .
26 The main idea is to draw the house from the outside in , a task that at first appears quite daunting , but , once you 've worked through the tutorial files ( which I heartily recommend that you do ) it 's actually relatively straightforward .
27 What the hon. Member should do is to draw the matter to the attention of the Serjeant at Arms , and it will be investigated further .
28 a good way to explain it to them is draw the graph .
29 This was to draw the ‘ poor ’ and ‘ middle ’ peasants away from the private trade of the ‘ rich ’ and to turn them eventually towards an alliance ( smychka ) with urban inhabitants .
30 The result was to draw the boundaries of certain knowledge much more narrowly than before .
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