Example sentences of "be themselves [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But there are many people who would not find it fulfilling to be themselves at any cost and at the expense of another .
2 Allow your friends/family/lovers to be themselves within your shared relationship .
3 I 'm sure those people are n't being themselves at all really .
4 Surely it could not be that , whilst they were classifying the laws governing the physical world , they were themselves under no moral order , but existing in a chaos of random motion ?
5 Many of today 's parents were themselves at school in the 1960s , the height of the ‘ horticultural ’ era of education .
6 Northumbria quickly produced , in the monk Bede ( d.735 ) , one of the great scholars of the early Middle Ages , and by the time of his death English missionaries were themselves at work attempting to convert the continental Germans .
7 This applied both to parents of young children who were themselves in emotional or material crises , and to parents in conflict with their older children about their behaviour .
8 In 14 of the 21 , morning and evening papers were in the same ownership , and some of these were themselves in national or regional chains .
9 Seventeen fathers were themselves in the printing trade — mostly compositors , with a sprinkling of bookbinders and machinemen — again all skilled .
10 Even along this road , however , many of the old ‘ guilds ’ had become , in effect , the organizations of employing ‘ masters ’ — the craft status shifted to the economic status — and these were themselves in complex relations with the development of capitalist trade , which was breaking down the kind of autonomy from which the guilds , new and old , had derived their monopoly .
11 The risk factors were the parenting provided by mothers who were themselves in care as children ( 23 case , 21 comparison ) , mother who were depressed when their children were 2 years old ( 48 case , 27 comparison ) and mothers whose children failed to grow in spite of the absence of any organic disorder ( 23 case and 23 comparison ) .
12 Employees are themselves under a duty to take reasonable care not to injure others in the course of their work .
13 However the general decisions formulated as maxims are themselves about how to act in a recurring situation and have no independent authority ; they do not pre-decide particular issues , each of which will have its peculiar features .
14 If those other components are themselves of a kind that , for example , influences the Earth 's supply of radiation , then we see that positively minute additions , at least of some kinds of pollutants , could have profound consequences for living things .
15 Moreover , union objectives and orientations are themselves of an extremely diverse nature between different countries and they require further elucidation .
16 These notations , or are themselves of interest , of course , but their usefulness for present purposes is vitiated by two factors .
17 In the cities , where competition is intense , to be seen to be involved with clients at the top of the commercial ( and to a lesser degree social ) tree , publicity will take very different forms , but whether it comprises the full page recruitment advertisement or a high ranking in some statistical table devised by the editors of a legal journal , a bigger than average spread in a legal directory or an article by one of its partners explaining some development unique to the firm , the message will be the same : we are professional people of the highest calibre who run their practice efficiently and with success ; we have earned the respect of our fellow professionals and the esteem of our clients who are themselves of comparable stature to ourselves .
18 We had some very , very moving speeches yesterday , as we had had at previous meetings , which made it quite clear that a few pounds were vital and crucial to people 's lives , so we thought it was a a gesture that was worth making , and I have to say that probably our group also includes people on , as members , as Councillors , who are themselves on income support , so it was a move which was n't without it 's personal difficulties for us either .
19 The underlying principle of such models is that companies that have a financial profile similar to previous failures are themselves at risk .
20 ‘ Members of the community are themselves in the course of events engaged in a great deal of informal social control , ’ he said .
21 Women who are themselves in professional jobs ( class I ) have lower fertility than women with jobs in class II , whereas the wives of men in social class I have higher fertility than the wives of men in social class II .
22 ‘ Ministers have not only not spoken out against this irresponsibility but now can not speak persuasively against these boardroom excesses because so many ex-Cabinet Ministers are themselves among the beneficiaries of these excesses , ’ he said .
23 Girls who become pregnant by their 16th birthday are likely to have parents who are divorced , separated , alcoholic , or in gaol , or to have been themselves in care or in a special school .
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