Example sentences of "be consider a " in BNC.

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1 I , myself , am considered a little eccentric .
2 I have frequented pool-rooms for over twenty years , and at one pool-room game , n three-cushion billiards , am considered a far better than average player . ’
3 Since ancient times , the rowan tree has been considered a scourge to witches .
4 Richard North , a local environmental health officer who has been advising the nuns , said that contamination of eggs through the shell via the faeces had never been considered a serious risk either by the working party who had submitted evidence to the Select Committee on Salmonella in Eggs , or by the Public Health Service Laboratories .
5 This whole question is of importance not only because it was so central to Engels 's book but also because The Origin has rightly been considered a major contribution to the feminist tradition .
6 The description and demonstration of the working of such systems has always been considered a major advance in anthropological theory and is usually traced to the publication in 1940 of African Political Systems by M. Fortes and E. E. Evans-Pritchard with their respective discussions of the Tallensi of West Africa and the Nuer of East Africa .
7 Since the sixties , rock and pop have been considered a stamping and breeding ground for burgeoning leftist/liberal sensibilities , a place where dissent is felt and upsurges occur .
8 It has for some time been considered a most urgent need to extricate mentally handicapped children from long-stay hospitals and stop their admission to them , and there has , as a result , been a sharp fall in the numbers of mentally handicapped children in hospitals .
9 The YP had not previously been considered a pictorial newspaper , usually resorting to small two column width photographs .
10 Until last week this latter option might have been considered a possible piece of government lunacy .
11 For another it was learning French at evening classes when she had always been considered a complete duffer at languages .
12 For instance , domestic violence is now seen as unacceptable , whereas until recently it might have been considered a ‘ private ’ affair .
13 But within months the recession arrived and what had originally been considered a financially sound decision turned out to be an economic disaster .
14 The single women who hitherto had been considered a good influence on the girls were relegated to obscurity whilst the married heterosexual women were left to emerge as the ( acceptable and healthy ) role models .
15 Despite their being one of the most common types of artefact in female graves , they may have been considered a personal luxury .
16 Palm-greasing for just about anything from entry to a favoured school to obtaining a bank loan has been considered a fact of life .
17 Although the cusp has long been considered a well defined spatial structure maintained by continuous reconnection , it has recently been suggested r4–6 that reconnection instead may take place in a series of discontinuous events ; this is the ‘ pulsating cusp model ’ .
18 Their favourite was the great Barbarian Conspiracy of AD 367 , and had the Great Casterton villa been dug in the nineteenth century , this would certainly have been considered a victim whereas , of course , the pottery is certainly not earlier than AD 375 , and maybe much later .
19 Ever since the heroes in women 's magazine stories started being advertising executives , advertising has been considered a " glamour " job .
20 The right to demonstrate against unpopular causes has long been considered a bulwark of liberty in any civilised society , enabling groups within that society to attempt to influence public opinion , to express their solidarity , to pressurise government and publicise their cause .
21 While classics , for example , are considered essentially upper- or upper-middle-class disciplines , engineering ( in this country at any rate ) has long been considered a subject suitable for aspirant working-class men .
22 The NHS has always been considered a ‘ good buy ’ internationally in terms of administrative costs , and although precise comparisons are not possible , clearly remains so , certainly when compared with the 24.1% calculated for the United States .
23 Having taken over from Michael Barton as captain , Surridge led boldly , the sum of his character and his various skills proving formidable even if , paradoxically , he would never have been considered a batsman or bowler of the highest class .
24 The preface adopts a modest tone : ‘ To unite elegance and utility , and blend the useful with the agreeable , has ever been considered a difficult , but an honourable task . ’
25 The government on March 14 , 1990 , reached agreement with the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) on a second structural adjustment programme ; Congo 's first such programme , initiated in 1985 [ see p. 34406 ] , had not been considered a success .
26 Emerging as the main beneficiary of the division within Solidarity , Tyminski had at first been considered a rank outsider and was thus largely ignored by the media and other candidates , but began to attract support with claims that he was untarnished by past politics and that as a self-made millionaire he had the economic acumen to transform the Polish economy .
27 He had been considered a de facto prime minister since his appointment in May 1990 as chair of an interministerial committee overseeing the economy [ see p. 37445 ] .
28 Malek , 54 , who had held several senior government and Republican Party posts and was noted for his managerial skills , had been considered a strong candidate for White House Chief of Staff at the time of Sununu 's appointment .
29 Hand-loom weaving has always been considered a male artisan activity , with the concession that wives from time to time might assist their husbands at the cottage loom .
30 Cow 's milk allergy has hitherto been considered a temporary condition that improves or disappears with age .
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