Example sentences of "be make clear " in BNC.

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1 What has not yet been made clear is that the vice-chancellors are seriously split over the issue and some are expressing grave misgivings over the direction being taken .
2 The reasons for the centre 's heed fur taxes like the prodnalog and many others had not been made clear to the villagers by the party cell .
3 But the Department of Health spokesman said the funding position had been made clear from the start .
4 We will bring forward proposals for reform of the Sunday Trading laws once the legal position has been made clear by the European Court of Justice .
5 It had very publicly been made clear that outrageous tactics worked , that blocking roads worked better than MPs ’ intervention …
6 As has been made clear in the discussion of country houses , parks and the houses that stand within them are inseparable .
7 The snag was it had deliberately not been made clear how much power he wielded over the Secret Service .
8 Now that the Institution 's policy for the provision of part-time education has been made clear for , say , the next ten years , it is most likely that all new entrants to the profession will be studying for surveying degrees or diplomas and the profession will have finally become a graduate one .
9 ‘ I am glad that has been made clear .
10 After the idea of a dead-letter drop had been made clear to Postelnicu with some difficulty , the new minister took the intelligence officer to his bathroom and asked if the lavatory 's water-cistern could be used as a letter drop .
11 Churning is not good for buyers though : endowments are meant to be long-term investments , and it should have been made clear to you when you bought the policy that you would lose out if you cashed in before the end of the agreed term , which is typically , 25 years .
12 It softened the blow to local people however by emphasizing that the Ringaskiddy dump was only a temporary solution : ‘ The dump at Ringaskiddy is , as has already been made clear and accepted , simply a short-term temporary dump ’ .
13 C. S. Lewis offered the most daring statement in the final volume of the ‘ Narnia ’ series , The Last Battle ( 1956 ) , in which we come across a young ( dead ) virtuous pagan , Emeth , who explains that all his life he has served Tash and scorned Aslan the Lion — earlier on it has been made clear that Tash is a bloody demon , Aslan , one might as well say , the ‘ Narnian ’ Christ .
14 Hundreds of callers jammed the BBC switchboard for more than an hour , complaining it had not been made clear it was make believe .
15 Whilst it has been made clear that in this group both men and women assume caring roles , feminists have rightly pointed out that some of the dilemmas and problems are worse for women , not least because social conventions have not ascribed the same significance to employment for women as for men .
16 The first point to make is that this is the same book as originally published in 1974 and retrospectively numbered ‘ 36 ’ in the series — we feel this should have been made clear by titling it ‘ Revised Edition ’ in the style previously followed .
17 As has been made clear in Chapters 6 and 9 , no one is really agreed as to how advertising works ; or how , and by what research means , to demonstrate that it has worked .
18 In both , the relatively unsubsidized position of British yards in comparison with competitors , including Korea , has been made clear .
19 In England in 1226 it had been made clear to the king that he could not tax the clergy diocese by diocese ; such an attempt in that year had been frustrated by the request of the Salisbury cathedral chapter for consultation with the clergy of other sees ; the proctors of the cathedral and collegiate clergy subsequently attended a provincial council armed with instructions from their ‘ constituents ’ .
20 It has already been made clear that the definition of a ‘ professional ’ degree course being adopted here is an operational rather than conceptual one : it is a course which has a consistent and fairly exclusive relationship with a particular occupation , exclusive in that graduates from such courses tend not to go into other occupations , and in that entry to that occupation is largely or wholly restricted to graduates from such courses .
21 Meikle [ 1990 ] Crim.L.R. 801 , where it had been made clear that prosecutors are fully entitled to bring any number of offences against a single defendant at different times and so cause to be in existence a number of custody time limits not coinciding wholly with one another .
22 If however he had entertained any doubt on the matter , I feel sure that he would as a matter I will not say of honesty but of courtesy refused [ sic ] to accept the money until the position had been made clear to him .
23 Your reader should be left only with the feeling that something about life has been made clear .
24 Now that the inevitability of synonyms occurring has been made clear , we must consider how to deal with them .
25 It has also been made clear that where an unmet need is recorded which the department has a legal duty to provide , it could be used as the basis for a legal challenge , although it should still be recorded .
26 This had been made clear by the development of nuclear weapons , by new popular movements and ideologies , and by scientific and technical developments .
27 My own preference has been made clear .
28 In the ease studies so far considered it has already been made clear that the particular study itself is , as it were , the product of a set of concerns in politics .
29 This had , of course , been made clear at the Salon des Indépendants by Delaunay 's L'Equipe de Cardiff which , compared to his more abstract works , appeared simply as a highly coloured and more mouvementé Cubist painting .
30 It has been made clear from the outset that the Board 's remit extends over some 350 institutions ; in other words , it is concerned not just with the 90 or so establishments substantially engaged in public sector higher education that would have come within the aegis of the Green Paper 's Model B , but with virtually all those which make some provision for higher education .
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