Example sentences of "be [vb pp] several " in BNC.

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1 British space officials do not expect any major difficulties in finding the money for INTEGRAL , because ESA science programmes are paid out of the subscriptions of member states which are calculated several years in advance .
2 They are given several balloons and the object is to try and hit them over the heads of the team opposite and onto the floor .
3 The latter has a chequered history and has been altered several times within its life in Poland .
4 The amounts as well as qualifying ages have been altered several times since 1986/87 , so any rebate would only apply to allowances that would have been due to you at the time .
5 I have already been given several different figures , and was told by one person I could have 50 × 12″ fish because I have a good filter .
6 There had been sightings , his family was powerful enough to keep him hidden and safe from the inevitable hanging ‘ should he show his face on the shores of Albion again' — a favourite phrase of Joseph 's , picked up from a knife-grinder whose preoccupation with Bligh , the Bounty and the Mutiny had almost equalled Joseph 's as witnessed in a fierce contest of informational prowess contested in the snug of the Bull in Lorton where the knife-grinder had eventually conceded defeat and been given several unexpected commissions ( including one from the vicar of Cockermouth who disliked Joseph intensely and produced a cluster of blunt knives and dullest scissors to prove it ) as compensation .
7 In the converse disorder , which unfortunately has been given several different names ( surface dysgraphia , phonological spelling , and lexical agraphia ) , the spelling to dictation of non-words is good , but words are commonly misspelled , and the misspellings are usually phonologically correct — e.g. ‘ search ’ — surch , ‘ spade ’ — spaid and ‘ come ’ — cumme .
8 ‘ Each two-person team has been given several overseas markets and told to get back as many packages as possible .
9 Provisions relating to ancient monuments have been amended several times , the latest being 1983 when the National Heritage Act was passed .
10 Its origins were Queen Anne but it had been remodelled several times , most radically at the turn of the century when it had become the holiday home of a London architect .
11 One moment Angel One had been crouched motionless as a carved statue , the next he seemed to have been transposed several feet nearer in the blink of an eye , like a faulty sequence in some badly cut movie .
12 It had been imposed at the height of serious anti-government rioting and pogroms in February 1990 [ see p. 37256 ] , and had been shortened several times , but only now was the security situation deemed by the city 's military commandant to have stabilized .
13 In fact it is probable that it has been repopulated several times .
14 What you see now has been rebuilt several times , although the medieval foundations still exist .
15 Moreover , despite the lack of artefacts , the bath-house at Catterick had been heavily used to judge by the state of the furnace cheeks , which had been rebuilt several times , and of the iron beams supporting the hot-water boilers , one of which had been completely burnt through .
16 There is a certain kudos in it , like the attitude towards Patrick Chauvel ( who has been wounded several times covering wars ) , and there 's Capa 's : ‘ If your photos are n't good enough you 're not close enough . ’
17 He had been wounded several times , twice seriously enough to have his life despaired of ; he had twice suffered the rigours of exile .
18 She had been stabbed several times .
19 After this has been done several times , the actual frequency of reorganization can be compared with that expected , and the future reorganization schedule will be based on the results .
20 It has been said several times in this chapter that tone is carried by the tonic syllable , and it is now necessary to examine this statement more carefully .
21 He had received numerous death threats from Sendero Luminoso and from the Rodrigo Franco Commandos since being elected in 1986 and had escaped three assassination attempts , and his house had been bombed several times in 1989 .
22 On these features are imposed several other psychological symptoms , many of which are known to be common to semistarvation , irrespective of its cause .
23 It was from Camilla Parker-Bowles and had been written several days before the engagement was officially announced .
24 Andrew Warren , the director of the Association for Energy Conservation , commented that the document contained no new ideas and " could have been written several years ago " .
25 She has been seen several times over the years .
26 Nevertheless he shot the ‘ Singapore Tiger ’ , an arrogant character who had been seen several times before and was strutting ahead of his large patrol when the Corporal 's bullet killed him .
27 With her was New York estate agent Jeffrey Epstein , who has been seen several times with Ghislaine .
28 That significant marine action extends to quite high levels is well known.Wentworth ( 1938 ) has for instance described an example from the Hawaiian Islands , where a block of tuff weighing about 7 tons has been moved several feet fro its natural position at an elevation of 12m ( 40 ft ) on an exposed cliff .
29 Bodies are shaped several at a time and come off the machine almost ready to finish .
30 A security guard has been shot several times during a bungled armed robbery attempt outside a bank.The guard was shot in the leg by two men just after he arrived in a security van , but it seems the raiders escaped empty handed .
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