Example sentences of "be [vb pp] believe " in BNC.

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1 Glass has been given to believe that there may be a future for him and Maria together , so he has agreed to help get Leonard out of Berlin .
2 Generations of Britain 's elite have been taught to believe that there are no absolute moral principles .
3 ‘ I 've been taught to believe that there are — perhaps I 've even seen it , but I do n't know , ’ Sophia protested .
4 " If people had been taught to believe in God then this or that calamity would not have happened . "
5 When you get people on to a sort of Noddy Goes Selling course , which is the first one you come on , you are expected to believe that when you leave here anybody who does n't use T N T Express would be absolutely crazy , and that everybody you 're going to talk to is going to bite your arm off as long as you stay with your boyfriend .
6 The medics however , are reported to believe he will be fine for bench duty tomorrow .
7 At the World Bank and IMF , most of the people working on Africa are said to believe privately that there is no long-term alternative .
8 This ‘ inverted causation ’ as it has been called , which is a major element of Marxist theory , is to be found in the theory of Asiatic production , in that the subjects of the Asiatic despot are made to believe that they can live because of the blessing of the god-king , the true guardian and shepherd of the community , while really it is he who is living off them .
9 Only if the Westminster Government and its back-benchers are made to believe that this continuing insult to a noble and valuable aspect of Scotland 's heritage will cost them crucial votes will they even begin to take serious notice .
10 I mean , you tell somebody that and they 're forced to believe you are you ?
11 So this is er this is an interes this is er a critical thing to remember if you 're tempted to believe slogans like survival of the fittest .
12 From my recent discussions with Chris Harris in the European Liaison Unit I am lead to believe that private sector investment in qualifying projects is eligible for grant assistance from the EC , but that the grant can not be paid to a private sector company direct .
13 Leeds took an early 2 goal lead with Wallace and Speed on target from Strachans precise crosses ( I am lead to believe ) .
14 When we are persuaded to believe in this truth , then the theatre and life are one .
15 This astonishing success , considering the size of his forces and the difficulty of much of the terrain over which he fought , only succeeded in outraging Alfonso , who seems to have believed — or been persuaded to believe — that El Cid intended to set up a rival kingdom in Valencia .
16 It was something I had been raised to believe in , so the idea of living with him , even temporarily , had an illicit feel to it .
17 We are conditioned to believe all the books we read about what a mother should be .
18 ‘ Venables laughed and said that the deal was worth over £4m to Lineker but no one could be expected to believe Tottenham would get more than £1m .
19 It can not be too often repeated that there is no reason whatsoever why humanity should be made to believe that its religion must have origins in the literature and man-made traditions of the remote past .
20 What Iago does is to prove that , in the right context , anyone can be made to believe anything .
21 It was not the general labourers but the seamen and other groups which could be made to believe in their immediate bargaining power which led the new militancy from the winter , not of 1889 , but of 1888 .
22 Well it it 's got ta be seen to believe .
23 If the subordinate members of society can be persuaded to believe that those who dominate have a right to do so , and that those who have great material advantage have a right to it , then they are very unlikely to challenge or threaten the privileged .
24 And ask yourself a question , are they really a sort of dirty Harry or sweeney sort of officers you would be lead to believe .
25 And in passing as well , as the movement gathered pace , they also hit out against patriarchal ideas and institutions , other things that the peasants could be lead to believe had , had wronged them .
26 So I 'm lead to believe , I have n't been
27 If a senior officer were to be viewed as no more than a member of an amorphous managerial team , said Mr Roach , the public would be led to believe that any complaint against a policemen was merely being investigated by ‘ one of the boys .
28 For those who asked themselves ‘ Can we afford it ? ’ and knew the answer was No , there were a greater number of tempting schemes , through which they could be led to believe the answer was Yes .
29 Knowing her husband , if he could be led to believe that the royal castle of Berwick might be alienated from the crown and actually given to him for his services , he would be the more apt to accede to the arrangement , being a man of acquisitive mind .
30 It is not just that we clearly do understand something ; rather we know in advance that it is only by understanding the sceptic 's argument as we are clearly expected to , that we could be led to believe that we understand nothing .
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