Example sentences of "be [that] god " in BNC.

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1 I am that God to whom you w ill not pray .
2 The signs are that God is blessing these initiatives with his presence and his Spirit and it is unlikely that the growth of the Vineyard in Britain will stop there .
3 Perhaps the most moving sentence in the whole book comes in the last chapter as he takes his leave of his reader : ‘ For it is not what you are nor what you have been that God regards with his most merciful eyes , but what you would like to be . ’
4 But it may be that God 's primordial action occurs in the previous verse : And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters .
5 The theological justification behind such an approach ( not that I had necessarily thought this out at the time when I was a member of the church ) must surely be that God 's will must be held to be one with what is good , and therefore what Christianity proclaims can not differ from human ethical goods .
6 The argument for preordination used to be that God was omnipotent and outside time , so God would know What was going to happen .
7 What is important is that God always acts towards us with an outbreak of invariable love , the expression of His unchanging nature .
8 But the message of Christmas is that God will never leave us and his love will endure for ever , which makes Christmas a real celebration of God 's commitment to our world and makes sense of all our hopes and dreams .
9 What is being said is that God 's love makes its home in human beings and that it seeks to be replicated and brought to completion within them .
10 An interpretation I have often heard is that God 's ways are mysterious and wonderful , and it may well be that in the very last moments of the person 's life they had an encounter with God that set them on the path to eternal life .
11 The joy of the Christian life is that God recognizes and accepts my uniqueness , much more than my parents could ever have done .
12 One of the things our faith teaches is that God has created each one of us in his own image and likeness .
13 I say that the greatest tragedy in the world today is that God had made man in his image and made him to worship him , made him to play the harp of worship before the face of God day and night , but he has failed God and dropped the harp .
14 You see the truth is that God does not see ANY human being as unimportant , worthless or useless — not even a Gideon or a you !
15 God has made everybody good at different things , so try to discover what it is that God has given you the ability to do , and try to do it as well as possible .
16 Your prayers are being answered and the language is better , but the best news is that God continues to use us even in our limited capacity .
17 The third is that God looks after it .
18 The one thing its citizens have in common is that God has come into the life of each one and given a love for him and for each other which no human or political institution can ever produce .
19 But we must never forget that the good news of the Incarnation is that God 's supreme revelation is of personal liberation which we can all experience in Jesus Christ which in turn will help to shape and mould those structures which we have considered .
20 In respect of God 's being , the fundamental axiom with which Barth works is that God is ‘ eternally and antecedently in himself ’ what he shows himself to be in Jesus .
21 But their understanding of revelation is that God has revealed what is to be the case , or what is truth , in very exact terms .
22 Of course the response which is likely to be made to such objections is that God works with human beings , so that only when human society has reached a certain stage of development does it become appropriate to ordain women .
23 Now what is in fact being said in a Christology created within such a cultural framework , is that God in Christ took on ‘ humanity ’ — the universal .
24 A trinitarian position is that God is one ( it is monotheistic ) , and that that one God exists in three ways , as Father , as Son and as Spirit .
25 Although the Bible 's claim for itself is that God did directly speak through men , and that he so controlled them that they said what he wanted them to say , it is clear also that the men concerned used their own minds in the process .
26 My contention is that God and christian principles need to be set explicitly and overtly at the heart of this declaration of ideals .
27 What I feel I know now is that God does n't intervene .
28 The simplest way to choose is to think of it is that God is the incarnation Christ is the incarnation of God .
29 So the simple answer to our question is that God wants us to find something useful in this passage from His word so that we — people who serve God — or , in the other translations , men and women of God — may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed .
30 All I know is that God is n't a good explanation , so we must wait and hope that somebody comes up with a better one . "
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