Example sentences of "[am/are] not look [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I am not looking for maximum performance or power .
2 ‘ But I am not looking like Hindu . ’
3 They are not looking for some chopped-down Open University course . ’
4 Dr Alun Gee , NRA technical manager for the Welsh region , said , ‘ We are not looking for any relaxation in current standards ’ and the objectives will contain a ‘ no deterioration ’ clause .
5 Police say they found a hammer in the house and are not looking for any other weapon .
6 When we have cares , we are not to look to pagan religious practices and philosophies for respite , but we are to be as the Apostle Peter put it ‘ Casting all your care upon him , for he careth for you . ’
7 JB : Well , yes , we 've got that wall dividing us , you see , so we 're not looking over each other 's shoulder all day .
8 Because , look at , I 'm not , you know , I 'm not er gon na even talk about the disaster at airport things , you know , the taking off and landing , if you 've got a stadium nearby with a lot of people in it , and one of these disasters happened to happen , I know we 're not looking for that , but if it does , you 're gon na have a stadium full of people if a plane comes down , well , you know .
9 Therefore , we 're not , other than the specific items that appear on your additions list , we 're not looking for any growth in the base budget at this stage , over and above that that 's already built into your budget base .
10 Well we 're not looking for those anyway are we ?
11 So we 're not looking for little every little error that a person makes .
12 right , and I look over to Roger and Roger 's flicking through his notes like this and as you , you were peeping through and he 's trying to find out what , what he 's talking about , they 're not looking at each other and anyway at the end of it , er we went through it and at the end of it he turned round and went how was it , what were you playing at , what was that spiel that you gave it 's in my brief , that 's one of my objections
13 We 're not looking at that point of view we 're looking at more like working together to find a solution .
14 Erm it , we 've covered some of it , the rest , er , again , because we 're not looking at such large large sums , you know , as Cover Master for Home Health Checks and things like that , erm , but , basically , no .
15 I 'm not looking for some sinecure of a job with the cosy family firm , Lucy !
16 And if every , everybody brings a friend then you 're looking at fifty people , and I 'm not looking at fifty people , I 'm looking at this lot .
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