Example sentences of "[am/are] of [art] same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is zero only if the distribution is monodisperse , that is , all molecules are of the same size , and we have which is .
2 A. Discus would normally begin to display courtship at the age of nine months , so it is possible that all your Discus are of the same sex .
3 If two Discus lash their back quarters against each other , then you can assume these are of the same sex .
4 Such a view ignores the tremendous structural inequalities within society ; it assumes that ethnicity , gender and class do not influence educational achievements and that all schools are of the same character .
5 The images of vision are of the same order as creative ideas , but the mind must be aimed at the horizon , and the thoughts must be concentrated in the emotion of creativity .
6 The idea of a view and the vision of Boullee are of the same order of thought and sight .
7 The differences between them are of the same order as the differences between modern Dutch and standard German : the Brut retains the OE case-inflexions and grammatical gender , whereas the Peterborough Chronicle , even though it is an earlier document , has lost most of these .
8 The advantage of this argument is that it allows one to define literature 's relation to reality in a much more positive and coherent way : both literature and the reality which it represents are of the same order and , according to Bakhtin , this order is ideological .
9 These concentrations are of the same order as those found in the plasma of patients taking 5-ASA preparations orally ( 10–15 µm ) and are far lower than those required to inhibit cyclo-oxygenase , lipoxygenase , or the binding of FMLP to neutrophils ( IC 5 10 , 6 , and >5 mM respectively ) or those found within the colonic lumen of these patients ( 10–20 mM ) .
10 When two descriptions are of the same type , plural reference is enhanced , regardless of syntactic condition , and regardless of whether the two descriptions are names or noun phrases .
11 But random fluctuations in the direction of conversion , or a bias in the direction of conversion , eventually ensures that all copies of a gene family in all individuals are of the same type .
12 All the attributes are of the same type .
13 Some of the project management variables are of the same type as the operations data , that is , numerical .
14 Only a few of the errors are of the same kind as spelling or typing errors .
15 Accordingly , futures contracts will not be investments of the same kind as debt securities or even contracts for differences , although SFA may perhaps agree that they are of the same kind as contracts for differences for this purpose ; in practice , however , any dealer who normally deals in futures contracts is usually likely to deal in contracts for differences in any event .
16 The same is true today , nowhere more starkly , for example , than on the border between Mexico and the United States ( where the inhabitants on both sides are of the same origin , culture and language ) .
17 In Figure 4.13 LECTURER and SUBJECT are known as ‘ siblings ’ because they are of the same level but of different types .
18 We are of the same blood , the same language , ’ he says .
19 You are of the same blood as us , sworn to protect Minginish .
20 He is willing to extend his generosity to people who mean something to him or are of the same religion .
21 not all tobacco leaves are of the same quality ( or size ) ;
22 It 's a plea which we suggest should make the timetable serve the child and not the reverse , and so what we 're doing is we 're saying to children erm ‘ Yes , you are of the same worth , you are of equal value , you should have the same care , love attention and the same resources ’ .
23 ‘ We are of the same Line you and I , ma'am , and although I have not the ancient Samhailt , I understand it .
24 Whether the mother or the father is younger or if they are of the same age , has little effect on the infants ' survival chances , in so far as both parents are in the age most favourable to procreate healthy infants .
25 Erm many of my officers erm indeed all of them are of the same mind .
26 The rubber liners are of the same material as used by farmers for irrigation lagoons and by local authorities for sailing and boating lakes .
27 Different horses communicate in different ways , although those that live together or are of the same family are more likely to communicate in the same way .
28 ‘ I came , sir , to tell you we are of the same family as you . ’
29 At the same time , the sentiments of pity which he who suffers punishment evokes in us can no longer be so easily nor so completely extinguished by the sentiments he has offended and which react against him ; for both are of the same nature ’ ( Durkheim , 1973 : 303 ) .
30 However , wood from Trelleborg now implies a construction date of c.980 , and if the other camps are of the same period this would seem to be too early for a connection with Danish raids on England , which are not known to have begun until a decade later ( but see pages 20-2 ) .
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