Example sentences of "be [verb] herself " in BNC.

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1 Surely she had been enjoying herself .
2 The selection provides ample evidence that since she retired for health reasons from her full-time post as curator of the DLI Museum in Durham , Nerys has obviously been enjoying herself enormously .
3 She had been tricking herself earlier into thinking that he did , that their friendship was nearly as important to him as it was to her , but seeing him in the garden with Marise tonight , and hearing about his marriage , unhappy though it had been , had made her realise that friendship was never as important as passion — at least , she was sure , not to a man .
4 All the way home , pedalling furiously , she had been nerving herself for this confrontation .
5 The last time she had woken from sleep it had been to find herself looking into the blue eyes of a dangerous enemy ; now the enemy was a friend .
6 It had been the question she had been pondering herself .
7 She 's been fretting herself to flinders , in case you should 've changed your mind . ’
8 Luce checked her first impulse , which had been to tear herself free .
9 Every anchorite had known and suffered from these phantoms of the mind : how naïve she had been to imagine herself exempt .
10 But had it not been to rid herself of her aura of wealth and privilege which had created her feeling that she was the darling of the gods — although the same gods knew how brutally they had treated her — that she had come to the East End to work , and to live as though she really needed to , and to survive on the pittance which she had earned , without bolting back again to luxury and comfort ?
11 Now several mornings a week when perhaps she should have been concerning herself with the house ( she delegated more and more to the housekeeper , who after all had run everything before she , Lily , had come ) , she would go and sit with Sadie , who was expecting another child at Christmas .
12 She had been deluding herself that their lovemaking heralded a new direction to their relationship — that it presaged a beginning .
13 Maybe it was she who 'd been deluding herself about the state of his and Sandra 's relationship , and not the other way around .
14 Lindsey knew she had been fooling herself in thinking she could remain indifferent .
15 His mother was entirely hoodwinked and , indeed , had she not known otherwise she would have been hoodwinked herself , Ashley thought despairingly .
16 It was a question Marian had been expecting and which she had been asking herself but to which she did not know the answer .
17 To dwell on thoughts of Guido would be to drive herself mad .
18 The heroine of The Good Time Girl ( 1948 ) never seems to be enjoying herself .
19 In fact , despite the fact that Friday was always their busiest day , the girl seemed to be enjoying herself .
20 ‘ Mandy feels as though she would be prostituting herself to sell her story , ’ she said .
21 She remembered because she had seen her drive off and it was unusual for ‘ a señora of her quality ’ to be driving herself with no companion .
22 But not too many of those who reckoned she should be pitting herself alongside the professionals recognised that she was putting herself through a far tougher ordeal by playing in a junior championship where she had everything to lose , nothing to gain .
23 She had not stopped to think that she might be inserting herself into a social scene that she had walked away from when she had left home .
24 Although she could n't be seen herself , neither could she see the shed or , more importantly , the exact location of the sniper .
25 To reveal the truth would be to render herself still more vulnerable to him , and she could n't allow that to happen .
26 She was meant to be persuading herself that life was worth living .
27 If so , she must be kicking herself now !
28 If she accepted this crazy proposal of his then she 'd be committing herself to a course of action that could be supremely dangerous to her .
29 This time it would be to stop herself from freezing , or starving , to death .
30 She seemed to be convincing herself .
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