Example sentences of "[am/are] not go [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I am not going into the barn ! ’
2 No , I am not going to a fancy dress party , but to work .
3 ‘ We are not going into the B and B business , ’ said Mr Jackson .
4 You 're not to go to the woods any more .
5 It looks alright on the surface , you 're not going through a hassle at the moment , and our memories are short , fortunately and once we come into a calm patch the hassles of yesterday are quickly forgotten .
6 Yeah , but there again you see they 're , you 're not going into a shop saying oh they look nice
7 We 're not going into a car wash .
8 Calatin sat back in his chair and stared at the three strangers in his house and said , ‘ Oh dear , you 're not going into the Far Future ? ’
9 ‘ Try and explain that we 're not going to a Laska , ’ said Masklin .
10 and if you 're not going to a game tomorrow … you can switch Central on at tea time for all the football news … we 're heading off now to Milton Keynes for a story of adventure for our Friday Feature
11 You 're not going to the North , are you ? ’
12 ‘ You 're not going to the Moon , you 're going to prison !
13 Oh , you 're not going to the help are you ?
14 ‘ I expect when you 're not going to the theatre — sometimes — and going to the cinema — sometimes — you 're having cosy little evenings in with Arnie ? ’
15 ‘ No , we 're not going to the mainland . ’
16 Alright poppet , we we 're not going to vet we 're not going to the vet we 're not going to the vet I know you 'd like to but you ca n't .
17 Alright poppet , we we 're not going to vet we 're not going to the vet we 're not going to the vet I know you 'd like to but you ca n't .
18 So I said to him well alright then I said er if you 're not going to the football match you can go upstairs to your bedroom and tidy your bedroom again .
19 Oh right yeah you 're not going to the shack yeah I remember .
20 Madeleine said now : I hope you 're not going on a diet .
21 ‘ We 're not going on the big dipper .
22 Well we 're not going on the opening day .
23 No , I was told before I came on the course , you 're going on the course to learn to make maximum use out of it , you 're not going on an almighty second holiday and
24 Oh th no , no we 're not going for a meal this Friday .
25 ‘ You 're not going for the green , are you ? ’
26 I mean you get people like that , they 're not going onto a site and pay out money , it 's just ridiculous .
27 You 're not going in the shower !
28 You 're not going in the front Bryony , you 're going in the back beside Richard .
29 we 're not going in the bin are we ?
30 You 're not going in the Leigh Arms !
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