Example sentences of "[am/are] not [adv] [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The quickest and least expensive was the Trans-Siberian Express , although it was a bit of a hassle for me being an American , because Americans are not easily granted visas for Russia .
2 But they are not completely lost causes .
3 Central to the planning are not clearly defined objectives but clearly defined structures .
4 To make matters worse , in vitro fertilisation is an experimental procedure and so there are not clearly defined standards of care against which a doctor 's actions could be judged .
5 Even casual observation suggests politicians are not simply budget maximizers .
6 Expert determination is also used in electricity supply contracts , which are not strictly supply contracts but contracts for differences , because the electricity is supplied from a pool and the purpose of the contract is to cover price fluctuations .
7 ‘ Dr. Briant , let me tell you here and now that we are not here to make judgments .
8 Similar difficulties will be faced by arbitrageurs who are not also market makers .
9 These are not just talking heads : their testimonies are a fascinating mix of anecdote and analysis that are a real credit to the film-makers ' skills .
10 Some are not fully fledged nicknames , but simply aides-mémoire to assist in locating a description , so the headline 'JACKSON-STYLE' SEX BEAST HUNT simply helps to identify a rapist described as having ‘ a ‘ powerful ’ athletic build and Michael Jackson-style shoulder-length dark , crinkly hair ’ ( Star ) .
11 She describes the context of the child care service , the preventive services and what happens when they are not enough to maintain children at home .
12 We are not therefore helping children to get on the wavelength of any of the religions by failing to address haphazardly acquired anthropomorphic ideas .
13 And those in power ( or waiting for power ) are not about to suggest alternatives .
14 The Greeks are not about to become Germans ( and the rest of Europe can probably survive the fact ) .
15 They are not legally defined values but are recognised as levels of good working practice and have the advantage of being easily amended if necessary in the light of new evidence as to the toxicity of a particular substance .
16 Clearly such references are not merely longwinded substitutes for a name : they draw attention now to this , now to that aspect of the same person , and so build up a many-sided picture of each character .
17 Local authorities are therefore able to make or elaborate policies and are not merely implementing agencies .
18 There are two diplomats at the ‘ Libyan interests section ’ of the Saudi Arabian embassy , but they are not formally considered Libyans and will not be expelled .
19 The heating is a bonus , resulting from the release of latent heat as the moisture vapour condenses to liquid water within the machine , but dehumidifiers are not really heating devices — they are more effective in warm homes with high humidity levels than they are in buildings where low temperatures are the main problem .
20 Voluntary unemployment can be defined as consisting of all those persons who are not in paid employment and are receiving some form of social security benefit , but are not actually seeking jobs at the prevailing rate of real wages .
21 On the timing of the sale he said : ‘ We are not actively seeking buyers nor actively looking to sell the shares . ’
22 A 1989 Gallup Fitness Consumer Survey found that women are not only using diets and exercise to improve their looks but also their health .
23 We are not only to include pleasures and pains liable to be produced by an action in estimating its rightness or wrongness , but pleasures and pains liable to be prevented by it .
24 are not only making puddings and sewing blankets
25 ‘ We are premium priced and we are not out to undercut others , but we believe we offer better value for money .
26 But he wants the military to test the anti- nerve gas pills to make sure that they 're not addictive , so that they 're not inadvertantly giving soldiers under stress a potent drug which could be open to abuse .
27 In fact , Marie Hoader tried to account for the negative consequences of unemployment in terms of five things that employment provides in our society , five sorts of experience that more and more , as we are industrialized and as more and more people are involved in working in employment , erm have come to be important and provided via employment , and we talked of two of those earlier — one 's activity and one was time structure — and you 've just raised the issue of feeling that you 're contributing to society in some way , that you 're part of a collective purpose , that you 're not just drawing things out , you 're also doing something useful with your time .
28 And it 's dangerous ground , because before you know it they 're not just honouring millionaires by putting their names on degrees , they 're putting their names over the door .
29 It may be that the government has a proportion of the blame but you 're not surely condoning teachers who have these problems being up in front of children in the classroom ?
30 Erm the , the instructions I 've got is be courteous but we 're not here to answer questions .
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