Example sentences of "[am/are] in [art] same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Okay , you 're in the same choir
2 They 're in the same drawer as the memos .
3 You were talking earlier about er applying the lessons learned here from the tornado programme to Eurofighter , surely the best way of doing so is to involve the same people , they 're in the same building .
4 So leave a space so er usually a page , a whole blank page in between your answers if they 're in the same booklet Now that 's very true .
5 ‘ We 're in the same business , ’ I said , and told him about my Mickey Mouse job .
6 See if they 're in the same file and two different bits two places on the file .
7 No , we 're in the same line of business . ’
8 ‘ Because we 're in the same line of business , you mean ? ’
9 ‘ We 're in the same ship , ’ Rozanov said .
10 They 're in the same room .
11 But surely , when you 're in the same profession , ‘ knowing exactly ’ can mean knowing too much , and feelings of rivalry , jealousy , even over-familiarity , must get in the way ?
12 ‘ I do think it helps that we 're in the same profession .
13 After all , we 're in the same profession — caring for the health and welfare of animals .
14 Also it is a common feature of course that you need to order the resources , that you have the resource in terms of people or the economy or the armed forces , you need to order those resources to try to achieve your ends erm and we 'll look at that later , the aims that you 're going for in foreign policy so they 're common , that you 're in the same environment , that you 've got to m er whatever the resources you have you have to try to organize them to achieve your ends and so on .
15 do it the same time because we 're in the same class and speak to all the same people and we 'd get all the same results
16 Do I , she asked herself , imagine that because I have lost a man I am in the same category as spotty Betty ?
17 ‘ I am in the same case as you , ’ said the abbot , and smiled .
18 ‘ A part of your father 's gift I think you have , if you can learn not to deface it for spite because I am in the same world with you . ’
19 Analyses of the distributions of individual stars in the bulge have all shown an asymmetry consistent with the bar found in the infrared continuum and all are in the same sense as indicated by the analysis of the balloon photometry ; the figure of the bar emerges clearly through the dusty murk of the galactic plane .
20 In sections 6.2 and 6.3 it was established that time-dependent potential differences across the secondary and primary windings of a unity-coupled , lossless transformer are in the same ratio as the turns ratio between these windings .
21 Since J is measured along the horizontal axis and W along the vertical axis , the only points on the graph at which J = W must lie along the 45° line from the origin ( assuming , of course , that both axes are in the same scale ) .
22 Yes , it 's interesting you see , if you , if you can compare Freud with other writers who are in the same kind of area and league like .
23 There was a trinity within everyone , consisting of the three powers of the soul which corresponded to the three divine Persons : memory , understanding and will ; it enabled us to be , to know and to love what we are in the same way as God knows and loves himself .
24 There is no telling how many borrowers and banks are in the same bind , but it is familiar to householders , who have found that they can neither keep up with their mortgages or sell their houses on terms which would not bankrupt them .
25 The major reasons for a care order are that the children have themselves committed an offence , they are in need of care , protection and control , or they or another child of the same family have been victims of an offence or are in the same household as a person convicted of a serious offence such as manslaughter , cruelty or suchlike .
26 Always the three statements are in the same order with the identical first part of the sentence .
27 The headings are in the same order as the diagram above .
28 ‘ They are in the same difficulty , ’ Loppe said .
29 By contrast , wherever managers and subordinates are in the same layer separated only by pay grade — subordinates see the boss as too close , breathing down their necks , and they identify their ‘ real ’ boss as the next manager at a genuinely higher level of cognitive and task complexity .
30 These nosodes ( remedies prepared from abnormal bowel flora ) are in the same category as other nosodes such as variolinum , morbillinum , pertussin and diphtherinum which are prepared from smallpox , measles , whooping cough and diphtheria respectively .
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