Example sentences of "[am/are] those [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Today the only traditional costumes to be seen are those worn by the flower-sellers and folk dancers .
2 The most complex and highly evolved forms of colonialism in the insect world are those created by the relations of the wasps and bees , the ants .
3 The most popular legends are those inspired by the battle of Kosovo in 1389. when the Serbs were defeated in their attempt to prevent the Turkish invasion further north .
4 The two main types of arbitration in the county court are those heard by the district judge under the " small claims " procedure and those heard by outside arbitrators .
5 Besides the relationships which a child has with his extended family are those maintained with the spirit world and the living dead .
6 There are a number of other registers that are relevant with respect to certain specialist charges ; the most important of these registers are those maintained under the Land Registration Act 1925 and the Land Charges Act 1972 .
7 They are those asserted by the two kinds of conditional statements .
8 I hold that on an appeal to the High Court under the Children Act 1989 the only findings of fact and the only reasons that may be relied on to support the decision of the justices under appeal , are those announced by the justices in accordance with rule 21 .
9 The codes used for PC compatible computers are those defined by the American Standard Code for Information Interchange ( ASCII ) .
10 If we define them simply , primary sources are those written at the time by someone usually connected with the event .
11 Red capitula held against the sky appear black to the colour-blind bats , while yellow ones ( seen as white ) are those displayed against the foliage .
12 Lord James Douglas-Hamilton : A large number of points have been raised by the Hon. Member for Cunninghame , North ( Mr. Wilson ) , but the preferences are those stated on the first day of our Committee proceedings .
13 Henceforth , it is said , the rich and the noble are those descended from the creatures who were formed before Nu Kua tired of her task — the men of yellow earth — whereas the poor and the lowly are descendants of the cord-made men — the men of mud . ’
14 It has been noted that the only letters in which the phrase " de fratrum nostrorum consilio " ( " with the approval of our brothers " i.e. the cardinals ) is consistently used under Innocent are those dealing with the government of the Patrimony of St Peter where the great cardinalate families had their influence .
15 The only appeals against sentence that the Court of Appeal gets to hear are those imposed by the Crown Court which almost certainly operates a harsher tariff than does the magistrates ' court .
16 The negotiation of the contractual terms of such relationships is all too often regarded as a contest in which the supplier attempts to exclude the maximum possible liability to the customer , and the customer to impose the maximum possible liability on the supplier ; the only rules are those imposed by the Unfair Contract Terms Act , and the contest is finally decided by the relative bargaining power of the two parties .
17 Of the non-QTS qualifications , the best known are those developed by the Royal Society of Arts and now administered by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate .
18 Only those acting at the second and third stages have been described in the present chapter , but the most important agents for small mammal bone accumulations are those operating at the first stage of taphonomic modification .
19 Some transactions costs differ between traders , and the relevant transactions costs in each case are those faced by the marginal trader , for instance market makers in shares .
20 It is convenient first to consider an argument on behalf of the local authority that the relevant statutory provisions are those contained in the Housing Act 1985 .
21 Although the most important restrictions on exclusion clauses are those contained in the UCTA 1977 , there are important provisions in several different statutes .
22 Our proposals for attainment targets and programmes of study are those recommended by the Working Group .
23 Where such consent is knowingly given by adult citizens , the only restrictions which a free society ought to impose are those designed for the prevention of harm .
24 The important capabilities are those associated with the ability to recognize , assimilate , and then exploit new information , and the development of these capabilities depends on the amount and type of R&D done by the firm in areas related to that new information ( see Cohen and Levinthal , 1989 ; Mowery and Rosenberg , 1989 ; Malerba , 1992 ; and others ) .
25 p Values are those derived from the t test unless otherwise stated .
26 Extrinsic centres are those acquired from the parent medium during crystallization , such as impurities in surface , regular lattice and interstitial sites , or compositional inhomogeneities between different parts of a crystal .
27 The novels considered are those read by the undiscriminating crowd .
28 Projects least vulnerable to the accusation that they are dealing with non-problems are those initiated by the International Chamber of Commerce , the membership of whose Com-missions is drawn preponderantly from the world of industry and commerce , banking , shipping , and arbitration .
29 The headings of the sections and the linking passages were created especially for inclusion in this selection , but the spellings and names are those used in the original extracts .
30 The most informative are those published by the Financial Times , ( Fig. 8.1 ) .
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