Example sentences of "[am/are] more [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They 're more often thought of in the DTP world , where they are more or less mandatory .
2 The institution is expected to wait until investigations are complete and criminal responsibilities are more clearly defined before bringing charges .
3 But , without dismissing the claims of other actors such as transnational corporations or revolutionary groups , it will conclude that they do not affect questions about explaining and understanding , which are more clearly raised by considering better established theories that address the state .
4 Similarly , the resources of elderly people are more clearly explained in terms of their stage of life than of their age .
5 The topic of metaphor is too broad to receive a detailed treatment here ; let us simply say that a metaphor induces the hearer ( or reader ) to view a thing , state of affairs , or whatever , as being like something else , by applying to the former linguistic expressions which are more normally employed in references to the latter .
6 The six foot long tube worms are more normally found in the Pacific and the Gulf of Mexico .
7 All these and much more are likely to be discussed , and in some respects are more profitably discussed in groups than on an individual basis .
8 There were significant changes in the services provided , but these are more properly discussed in Chapter 4 .
9 Important though this literature is , the main purpose of later sections is to isolate as far as is generally possible the impact of the government budget on the Lorenz curve that would otherwise have obtained , and then to consider proposals that are more closely tied to the poverty literature .
10 Only Athenian citizens could profit by allotments of land as ‘ cleruchs ’ ( literally , ‘ allotment-holders ’ ) and it may be more than chance that the qualifications for Athenian citizenship are more closely defined at just this moment ( 451 ) : citizen descent was now required on both sides ( Ath .
11 Toucans live in the forests of South and Central America and are more closely related to woodpeckers than to hornbills .
12 The giant predators that walked on their hind legs ( Tyrannosaurus , Allosaurus and other theropods ) share structures of the hip bones with the sauropods that show they are more closely related to them than to the rest of the dinosaurs .
13 In so doing the quality of the service can be improved by ensuring that the objectives for individual placements are more closely related to the needs of the school and that there is support for implementing the outcomes of the experience .
14 The clubmosses , which created most of the coal seams , are more closely related to ferns than they are to pine trees , and oil — from which most synthetics are obtained — is not derived from plants at all .
15 Molecular evidence has shown that the old concept of great apes ( family Pongidae ) , as distinct from humans ( family Hominidae ) , is no longer valid because the African apes and humans are more closely related to each other than any of them are to the orang-utan .
16 Another theory concerning the relationships of the Recent taxa suggests that lampreys are more closely related to gnathostomes than either is to hagfishes , implying that hagfishes are the most primitive of craniate animals ( Fig. 2B , a ) .
17 These similarities , together with several other less obvious features , suggest that cephalapsids are more closely related to gnathostomes than either is to lampreys .
18 The new features that have been discovered by re-examining Recent taxa alongside the many new fossil finds during the past 15 years lead to classifications that suggest that lampreys are more closely related to gnathostomes than either is to hagfishes .
19 The outline above suggests that agnathans are a paraphyletic group ( that is , some are more closely related to jawed vertebrates than to other agnathans ) and therefore the presence of circular mouths and pouch-like gills was part of gnathostome history .
20 B , a , This theory suggests that lampreys are more closely related to gnathostomes than to hagfishes ( agnathans are considered paraphyletic ) .
21 B , b , This classification is one of several suggesting that one or other of the fossil groups are more closely related to jawed vertebrates than they are to other agnathans .
22 POU-homeodomains are more closely related to one another than to other homeodomain proteins ( 1 ) and can interact weakly with DNA .
23 Inasmuch as teachers by tradition are more closely associated with the planning and delivery of the curricular components of education than with arguments about priorities and about the distribution of resources , curriculum development has been a prime element of professional management .
24 The second hand , evidently that of one of Lalande 's assistants , appears also in unique copies of two motets , Veni Creator ( revised version ) and Cantate Domino ( Psalm xcv ) ( part of the Lutz private collection in Strasbourg ) , suggesting that these copies are more closely linked to the composer 's workshop than has hitherto been suspected , despite the collection 's late date ( 1739 ) .
25 Even magistrates , whose sentencing powers are more closely confined by law , enjoy a considerable degree of discretion within those upper limits .
26 By some measures incomes are more equally distributed in Japan than in the West , and in ‘ employment income = = Japan 's degree of equality parallels that of some of the socialist countries of Eastern Europe ’ ( Boltho 1975 p.163 ) .
27 Partly for historical reasons , such as the impact the Poor Law made on their memories , and partly as a result of their attitudes towards financial ‘ dependence ’ on the state , there are grounds for believing that some of these factors are more acutely felt by older people than other age groups .
28 Other material , mostly involving colour-printing , are more cost-effectively dealt with by external services on contract .
29 These two states are more judiciously classed within the Soviet orbit than within her empire .
30 The ridges are more freely distributed in orientation .
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