Example sentences of "[am/are] see [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I do believe there is a feeling of real excitement and expectation amongst your generation because of the extraordinary changes we are seeing across the world .
2 When we discussed it , it became clear that there is a wide spectrum of response to the whole issue of private care , that the response from within the statutory services tends to be one of suspicion , tends to be one of sometimes a fairly moralistic approach and this is quite at odds with the response we are seeing from the government which tends to go to the other end of the spectrum and be promoting private care as the solution to many of the problems of service provision and volume that are being encountered at the moment .
3 Sea Scouts Claire Lowis , Samantha Lambird , Christopher Pinnegar and Mark Gent are seen with the ball , which will be sold to the highest bidder .
4 However , some of the sharpest effects are seen at the point where household formation takes place since that usually means obtaining a home of one 's own .
5 In liberal democratic circles , those most strongly identified with the dissident tradition , the 1989 revolutions are seen as the chance to embark on a qualitatively new political future .
6 Eggs are seen as the symbol of new life .
7 Two of the main factors that need to be kept in equilibrium are heat and cold and most illnesses and diseases are seen as the product of excessive heat or cold .
8 This article tells the story of a community health centre which is committed to the principle of self-evaluation by its own staff and by village health workers who are seen as the interface between the health centre and the community .
9 The state is viewed as an instrument of capital and state policies such as immigration and race relations legislation are seen as the outcome of deliberate , thus ‘ rational ’ , manipulation by agents of capital and the capitalist state .
10 Anything less involves wasted potential and the limiting factors are seen as the time and energy of the carers .
11 Men are seen as the enemy and are fought through re-education away from the colonialist ideas that women should be quiet and biddable .
12 Women are seen as the source of compassion , love and harmony .
13 The second part of the book , " Models and methods " , proposes a view of literary communication in which the sylistic properties of texts are seen as the result of a complex process of mediation between a variety of situational , social and cultural forces .
14 Let us also celebrate and exploit the opportunities that have been created by new media , and ensure that bookshops are seen as the distribution channel of choice , and that we do all we can to make the book the natural bedfellow of these emerging products .
15 In those countries with subtropical climates and winter rainfall such as parts of southern Australia , South West Africa and some regions of Argentina , Chile and Brazil , the increase in L3 population occurs during the winter and outbreaks of Type I disease are seen towards the end of the winter period .
16 West from there they are seen on the north coast in the gentler province of Galicia .
17 But his account of natural philosophy , which rejects any inner mechanisms or real essences ‘ hid … behind the scenes ’ which would purport to explain ‘ those appearances which are seen on the theatre of the world ’ , is a clear example too .
18 Preservationists such as Camporese and Valadier are seen against the background of the various commissions , and individual buildings ' histories are scrutinised .
19 Now , I think what we 've got to try and ensure is that , that rural counties like Shropshire get a fair crack at that money as well , and we need to be starting to develop and I 'll touch on this if I come , gentlemen , when I come on to development strategy , we need to be developing a regeneration strategy for the county , so that bids to the government for funding from the regeneration budget and from this , from the regen from the er , the single regeneration agency , er , are seen against the background of a cohesive strategy , and we , I think we will be much more successful when we go for government money bids , on that particular basis .
20 With this symmetry it has four totally symmetric vibrations , and all are seen in the resonance Raman spectrum ( Fig. 5.53 ) .
21 In some cases only two or three people are seen in the course of a week ; in others , there are two or three social contacts in the course of each day .
22 Distance and size , says Berkeley , are seen in the way that ‘ we see shame or anger in the looks of a man ’ ; though invisible themselves , these feelings are ‘ let in by the eye along with colours and alteration of countenance , which are the immediate objects of vision ’ .
23 It is estimated that only 20 per cent of cases of sexually transmitted disease are seen in the specialist clinics .
24 But the disorders can not be fully understood unless they are seen in the context of complex political , social and economic factors which together create a predisposition towards violent protest ’ ( para. 8.7 ) .
25 It follows that the meaning of ontological claims becomes fully transparent only if such claims are seen in the context of certain life-modalities of those who make such claims ; in effect , all such claims become interpretable as forms of man " sown self-understanding .
26 Many more are seen in the autumn , when arrivals often start as early as late June and always in July .
27 Many of the factors discussed in this chapter are seen in the information model , and these include interfaces , boundaries , subsystems and the control of resources .
28 Undoubtedly we are living through a period of considerable political instability , in which there is a complex ‘ crisis of legitimacy ’ ( to use Habermas ' expression ) not only in the capitalist societies but also in the former communist societies of Eastern Europe , and in many countries of the Third World ; but the crisis works itself out through an international system of relationships , and such events as the overthrow of President Allende 's government in Chile , or American and Soviet military intervention in various regions of the world in the postwar period , can not be fully comprehended unless they are seen in the setting of global political conflicts .
29 I think we 're dealing here with people who are seen by the majority to be liabilities , and the majority do n't want to touch and have anything to do we 're dealing with modern day lepers .
30 What are seen by the public as the most depraved of men still have profound needs to express their sorrow even when , with the most damaged people , it seems to lie too deep for tears .
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