Example sentences of "the county [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Combsburgh award was recorded in a document of 16 April 1858 , engrossed on parchment and now in the keeping of the county archivist .
2 The county archivist may be interested in them , too , subject to the client 's rights .
3 Twenty-eight , the report of the county archivist move
4 I think too often , the county archivist and the records office are forgotten and left to do their very worthwhile work over there without very much appreciation of what they do from members .
5 Erm , I would like to propose , I 'm not sure correct form , that we minute this council 's support and appreciation for the work of the county archivist , rather than just note the report .
6 Yes , like many of the others , I happen to be one of the ones who did go up there and take a look at it , erm , at the time , and I hope that the motion as er , not only to the county archivist but all the staff over there for the very hard work and diligent work of which they put in .
7 Right , so the motion is to note the report and to express our appreciation and support for the work of the county archivist .
8 Early on , however , the forerunner of the modern House of Lords emerged from the Council around the monarch and it is now over seven centuries since commoners of England ( albeit of no more lowly status than the county squirearchy ) were admitted to the Parliament of England .
9 In the run-up to the final , played a number of games on a knock-out basis , culminating in an area final followed by the County semi-final , before winning the County overall on at the Otley Bowls Club near Ipswich .
10 The county constabulary says it ca n't afford it , so now the local police committee is asking the Government to lend a hand .
11 Yet within a few years she won the County Bronze and Silver Championships in two successive seasons , almost certainly a unique feat .
12 The land speculators and property developers moved in , and the parish has been given a priority status within the County Structure Plan .
13 However , the Assistant County Librarian : Education and Special Services ( ACL:E&SS ) convened and chaired the meetings and , as the library specialist , tended to represent the project to higher levels of the county structure , albeit sometimes in the company of the Senior English Inspector .
14 Erm the reference on page two of erm the Conservation Officer 's er letter , Mr 's letter of the fourth of February , a reference to Policy E Six of the County Structure Plan , erm which in his expert opinion , very firmly covers sites like this one .
15 Alterations have been deposited to the County Structure Plan , and erm that took place before this hearing er before this enquiry opened .
16 The panel could support such a project contrary to the county structure plan and the south Buckinghamshire local plan only if satisfied on three counts : first , that the need is abundantly clear ; secondly , that the way of tackling the flooding problem as set out in the application is undoubtedly the best of all possible alternatives ; and thirdly , that a wide variety of outstanding issues are each resolved in the best possible way .
17 And I I 'd refer the panel erm to the written statement of the county structure plan of nineteen seventy nine , erm and the section entitled , the Strategic Framework , paragraph three nine on page ten .
18 At the time of the greenbelt enquiry , an extension beyond six miles of the greenbelt could not be considered because a general revision of the county structure plan was not envisaged .
19 And somebody has to say that under Section fifty four A if this kind of policy exists in the county structure plan it will be extremely difficult for any proposer erm of development outside built-up areas , existing built-up areas , to proceed .
20 The er the county council came forward with these policies as a result of comments that er districts made a number of years ago and perhaps er over a passage of time erm makes at least validity your point but I I remain of the the view that there is in the there is nothing in the county structure plan that sets out the basic objective of protecting the countryside and still feel that 's a valid objective within the structure plan erm within the structure plan er context .
21 Erm as far as I 'm concerned Mr Donson 's point that there are significant areas of the county which are covered by other policies , national parks , heritage coast , high quality agricultural land , Erm that may be true but there are significant areas which are not covered by those policies and it seems to me that if erm the county structure plan is going to provide a strategy then it should be relatively comprehensive .
22 And so whilst the popular perception of Harrogate will remain of it as being a very prosperous and pretty borough er with everything going for it , in fact there 's a very serious unemployment problem of structural er magnitude and we felt that the county structure plan had not acknowledged this erm special difficulty that Harrogate was facing , and had merely applied as we heard this morning the standard formula as it were to Harrogate , as it had to all the other local authority areas in the county .
23 And at at the moment of those who are ponses in the County Structure Planning and District Planning erm which have no specific proposals relating to er consideration funds .
24 But c thirteen , about the conservation of the water environment and water resources , is a matter which could be incorporated in the county structure plan .
25 I have already suggested that c thirteen could become the formal part of the county structure plan , and that would strengthen it enormously .
26 But because g two ca n't become a , a structure plan issue , I was wondering if the erm , environmental strategy of this council , when it is adopted , er , er , wh when it 's formulated and , and , and , and adopted , er , could that be incorporated as an appendix to the county structure plan .
27 But yesterday members of Cleveland County Council 's develop control sub-committee agreed the application was contrary to the county structure plan and would result in increased traffic congestion .
28 Therefore it is for the district council to justify any local plan policy which deviates from the county structure plan .
29 It was a move that clearly suited him for the following season he was picked for the county squad .
30 Might the hon. Member for Bolsover ( Mr. Skinner ) want more money for Derbyshire so that it can employ more people such as his brother , who is employed as a personnel liaison officer for Toyota , his sister-in-law , who is employed in the county publicity department — — and such as another sister-in-law , who is employed in the education department ?
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