Example sentences of "the last step " in BNC.

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1 Such is the power of suggestion that that night as I neared the top of the staircase , my foot stumbled on the last step but one .
2 She paused ( on the last step but one , to make quite sure of her superiority ) and loomed over them , candle and nostrils flaring .
3 In both subjects I am told that more time and more help is needed to spread the ideas , to run courses , to try out new approaches in different situations , to evaluate the success of the last step before embarking on the next , but the curriculum workers I met were disturbed that they were unable to provide what they knew teachers needed .
4 He turned an enquiring gaze upon her as she marched towards the house , but before following her he held out his hands to Millie as she went to jump off the last step , saying now in a low tone , ‘ It looks a good enough day ’ — he pointed to the back of the cart — ‘ what 's up ? ’
5 In Eastern Europe , economic integration is the last step in a process of political extinction which all take seriously and which most dread .
6 Getting Microsoft Windows to run remotely on a Sun Microsystems Inc workstation was seen as the last step in the development effort .
7 " We will discuss it later , " Katherine said absently , stopping on the last step , her eyes sweeping along the broad expanse of highly polished hallway , automatically checking the corners , beneath the lacquered Chinese table , around the edges of the mirror , and finally the glass on the print and picture frames .
8 Note that unc and unc can not both be zero , or A would be singular and R would not exist ; similarly for unc We choose a nonzero element from these four -say unc and then unc The last step is not arbitrary : we must exclude the first three rows ( containing units ) , so that the only choice for pivot in the next step is D44 , which can not be zero .
9 Note that , in the rearrangement of the last step , we crossed three rows in bringing unc to the top ; then the new second row unc crossed two rows in going to the bottom .
10 Indeed , in theory all that is required is that a sufficient number of direct iterations is made , with the columns orthogonalised as the last step ; in practice , however , the numbers would become increasingly ill-conditioned as S is raised to a high power and approximates to a unit rank matrix .
11 The last step in the reasoning is stated in terms which are unnecessarily wide for the facts of this case and , as I shall indicate later , unnecessarily wide in principle .
12 It was widely believed that there were no human fossils , so the recent appearance of humankind seemed to represent the last step in the ascent of life .
13 But I 'll go the last step of the way , and ask the last man . ’
14 When we discussed replication as a moulding process , we saw that the last step in the process must be the new copy 's breaking free of the old mould .
15 At sight of her Gus , stiffening into startled consciousness between his supporters , set foot of his own volition on the last step , and his soiled eyebrows soared into his muddy hair , in reflection of the apparition before him .
16 The last step but one creaked protestingly and she grimaced apprehensively , her body almost turning to stone as she waited for Dane to suddenly appear and demand to know what she was doing .
17 I laugh and push him up the last step .
18 One possible solution is for the last step in the procedure to be the subject of a strict time limit .
19 As she reached the last step Travis appeared through a door to her left .
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