Example sentences of "the same situation " in BNC.

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1 The author disguised herself as an eighty-year old and reports considerable discrimination in shops and on public transport which disappeared when she returned to the same situations in her normal persona .
2 So director Chris Columbus unabashedly presents the same jokes , the same situations , the same tearful homilies and the same resolution .
3 And within six years , wanting to register ( in The Criter - ion for 1934 ) the distinction of Binyon 's version of the Inferno despite its consistent inversions of prosaic word order , Pound found himself in the same situation , having to contend with those who had learned too well or too inflexibly the lessons he himself had taught them :
4 All the units are in the same situation .
5 They are simply cases of men accumulating several women who themselves are in the same situation as monogamous wives .
6 But watch the Prince working a crowd and compare him with a politician in the same situation .
7 In 1923 , when the Liberals found themselves in much the same situation as Mr Ashdown is hoping for today , Asquith told them that they ‘ were not sent here by your constituents to play the part of soldiers of fortune ’ , but that was exactly the part they found themselves playing then , and will find themselves playing now if we get a hung Parliament , and they will be unsuccessful mercenaries at that .
8 Much the same situation , although both a more productive and prolonged one , obtains in temperate woodland , where a great table of riches is spread every summer , declining to a low level of diminishing resources in the autumn .
9 Their behaviour patterns can also be extremely individual , so that two autistic children with exactly the same characteristics may react differently to exactly the same situation .
10 When I eventually did contact her things seemed to be going quite well due to supportive family but she felt isolated from other mothers in the same situation as herself .
11 Ludens was himself in the same situation .
12 There was no yardage chart in those days , but I worked out very quickly that Arnold was two clubs stronger than me , so I just put myself in the same situation and added on two clubs .
13 This is not the same situation as in those areas of the law where there are medical concepts which are not in fact accepted without further refinement by courts ; the notion of what constitutes therapy is such an issue , as are , for example , the concepts of insanity and paternity .
14 Another who may find himself in the same situation will call upon all his inner resources in his efforts to deal with the problem .
15 where a party sustains a loss by reason of a breach of contract , he is , so far as money can do it , to be placed in the same situation with respect to damages , as if the contract had been performed .
16 Furthermore , the analyst must realise that problems do not exist in isolation , but are interrelated with other problems affecting the same situation .
17 It can be very supportive to meet others in the same situation as yourself .
18 If you wear the same thing twice in the same situation you may give the impression that you have one safe set of clothes and that you are only immaculately turned out when relying on that one safe outfit .
19 If you know of others in the same situation you might find it helpful to team up , especially if you are not in direct competition for the same jobs .
20 If you are younger , perhaps living alone after the death of an elderly parent , and you are in the same situation of having a large house or flat that is too much of a financial burden for you , then you must either sell or take in lodgers .
21 On the night the piece was shown in August 1990 , and the following day , Thames Television ran a Help Line staffed by experienced money advisers for viewers who had found themselves in the same situation as Sue and Tony .
22 I 'm sure it would help lots of people in the same situation .
23 The same situation exists in soccer where some 90-odd league teams are far too many .
24 Exactly the same situation applies when the model is flying forwards in calm , or windy , air .
25 ‘ I wondered if she had gone through the same situation and if she had got into the car . ’
26 I wondered if she had gone through the same situation and if she had got into the car .
27 Such behaviour may depend at least partly on the teacher 's skill in setting up situations which will elicit the best from each child : most people are shy in some situations and confident in others , and different people 's responses to the same situation may vary sharply .
28 The same situation probably applies in reverse with Scottish creditors and English debtors , or indeed to any situation where debtors and creditors live in different legal systems .
29 If you do the chances are good that you will only have the same situation all over again or probably even worse .
30 It was much the same situation as with the ship attack .
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