Example sentences of "[not/n't] have [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He was however grateful to her for curing him ; he had not had to use the purple crystals again .
2 Glad she had avoided meeting Mrs Farraday ( nee Corbett ) , whom she imagined as some Gorgon straight from the pages of George Eliot , Penny swung down the drive , wishing she had not had to assume a double load of exercise books to avoid her .
3 Had we not spent even more money on the BAIE Awards this year by advertising on the inside front cover of the magazine , we would not have received a single name check for 15 awards during the whole evening and in all the attendant publicity .
4 In Tait , where Lord Clyde considered that the clerk should not have rejected the late application , his Lordship ordered the board to hold a meeting to consider the application under s.31(2) .
5 The population of Easter Island could not have exceeded a few thousand , so a sizeable proportion of the men must have been employed at the quarry , carving likenesses of their deceased relatives .
6 Lost in the malai chain of command , shuffled round from captor to captor , I would not have given a great deal for my chances .
7 If the patient has been misled or misinformed he may not have given a genuine consent or refusal .
8 But 12-year-old girls would certainly not have possessed the physical strength for such a form of attack , and although the rubric of ‘ garotting ’ was used universally to encompass these crimes , most of the cases reported in the newspapers seemed to describe fairly straightforward street robberies — sometimes using a variety of coshes , knuckle-dusters , ‘ Indian claw ’ devices and other forms of life-preserver — or what we would now call ‘ muggings ’ .
9 What can be seen is that Parliament can not have intended an implied limitation along the lines of Ex parte Blain , 12 Ch.D. 522 .
10 Last year 's winner , Quinlan Terry , would not have beaten the second horse , the subsequent Group One race winner Ile De Chypre , had that rival not been drawn on the far side .
11 One lifeguard said , ‘ Ace may not have ridden the biggest wave , but he 's sure got the biggest mouth . ’
12 I could not have imagined a better companion .
13 Once she could not have imagined a greater disaster — all the garments she 'd been working on , with such dedication , day and night , for weeks on end now , had totally vanished , disappeared .
14 Sheila could not have desired a worse profession .
15 The landlord will not have made a taxable supply to the tenant and so can not issue a tax invoice , preventing the tenant from claiming input relief .
16 Tim could not have made a better choice . ’
17 As confirmation of the significance Harry had detected in Heather 's photographs , Mossop 's retraced route of three months before could not have made a better start .
18 Holmes says : ‘ Steve could not have made a better start to his outdoor season and it opens up all sorts of possibilities .
19 He could not have made a finer creature in his own vats .
20 If my son had been on medication at the end of last year he would not have made an unprovoked attack on his father in November , nor attempted to share his New Year 's Eve lunch with the lions .
21 Louise would not have made an unsuccessful marriage in the first place , and she supposed her marriage must be unsuccessful , because Edward had told her that she was not a woman .
22 Though the shooting on the film set , if it was n't accidental , implied that Nigel Steen knew of his involvement , he still might not have realized the direct connection with Jacqui , and certainly was no nearer getting the Hereford Road address .
23 He could not have endured the clamouring siren bells that marked an alarm and that caused A area to be sealed down , passage in and out of the Citadel suspended until the malfunction was located .
24 The Government 's aim is to decide all cases within a matter of months so that all those affected do not have to wait an inordinate length of time to ascertain their legal status in the U K. It 's obvious to everyone not too blind to see that such changes are vital to the mounting pressures on the existing system
25 I reminded him of my advice that he should not have renounced the Upper House so speedily .
26 Obtaining membership of the full European Tour means he will not have to undergo the punishing marathon of the PGA Qualifying School in France on November 13-18 .
27 and because the clinics were not attached to the main hospitals , there was no feedback from other disciplines in medicine , and , furthermore , the doctors working in the clinics did not have to undergo the vigorous selection procedures that were usual for hospital posts .
28 You do not have to include a general model for your allies but you can do so if you wish .
29 Pleased , that is , until I discovered that I had forgotten to bring the tea bags — the subsequent ‘ Well , why did n't you bring them then 's , ‘ Why is it always my fault 's reminded me of the Quentin Crisp line that marriage was impossible for him because he could not have tolerated an endless succession of mornings when the first words he heard were , ‘ And another thing ’ — and that there were no birds .
30 ‘ Without the programme I would not have prepared a proper business plan or met the contacts essential to business ’ .
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