Example sentences of "[not/n't] be [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And the inspector , would in all probability have upheld the refusal , had it not been for the withdrawal , three days before the appeal , of the highways ' reasons for the refusal .
2 If it had not been for the circumstance of his being away , I should not be here now . ’
3 Reports on Nov. 12 said that US officials had confirmed that the final percentage of Warsaw Pact weapons cuts would have been higher had it not been for the removal of large numbers of Soviet tanks and other heavy arms across the Ural Mountains to areas where they were not covered by the Treaty provisions .
4 The sentiment indicator would have fallen even further in December , the survey showed , had it not been for the glimmer of recovery in Britain .
5 And I stumbled and would have fallen had it not been for the wall . ’
6 On his left — but for the bungaloid eruption — ; there would have been sand dunes going down to the deep blue sea of the Channel ; the stretch of golden sand — had it not been for the litter — making a gentle curve for five miles .
7 Stan might truly have forgotten if it had not been for the crash of the falling chair .
8 If it had not been for the shamelessness of it , Wilson felt she might have been sorely tempted to exploit this extraordinary advantage .
9 Indeed , full recovery might never have occurred had it not been for the invasion of the area by the Lombards , the people after whom the plain on which the city is set and the region of which it is the capital are named .
10 Had it not been for the guillotine debate , for the way in which the Government put the pressure on , for the way in which they shepherded all the sheep , ministerial and other , through the Lobbies , we would not be here today .
11 These protests may have been ignored had it not been for the enthusiasm of Hans-Dietrich Genscher for EMU : ‘ the creation of a single European monetary zone , with a European central bank , constitutes the economically indispensable centrepiece of a European single market ’ .
12 Had it not been for the enthusiasm and energy of the St Andrews Friends , that Garden might well have had to close , but now it is a thriving and greatly appreciated asset to the town and to a wider community .
13 Had it not been for the smell of pot he might have suspected it .
14 Lewis 's statement , which wrote off the competition , was allowed to pass unnoticed , and the whole embarrassing affair , much to the Government 's relief , might well be forgotten had it not been for the persistence of Beresford Hope .
15 Had it not been for the honey pigment of her skin , any one of her small circle of friends might have described her as a porcelain doll .
16 Price Waterhouse 's UK practice would have experienced a negative growth rate in fee income in the year to June 1992 , if it had not been for the firm 's corporate recovery arm .
17 There are some types of case which it can not sustain , and some which do not need it in order to remain at home ; but there is a group — those with relatively severe dementia , probably living alone , and unable to receive the care they need from elsewhere ( usually because they do not have able and willing involved relatives ) who appear unlikely to have remained at home had it not been for the involvement of the Home Support Project .
18 Those clients whom we estimated as least likely to have remained at home had it not been for the Home Support Project were , as expected , particularly heavy consumers of community services .
19 In c.1308 it was even suggested that some Gascons , especially from the Agenais , might have rebelled openly against their duke had it not been for the existence of French sovereign jurisdiction as a kind of safety valve .
20 Seen from below , Lacuna 's long body would have looked comical as she ran back and forth , if it had not been for the grimace of rage that contorted her white face .
21 It was just as well , she thought ruefully , that he was an easy , undemanding companion , and had it not been for the throbbing behind her eyes she might have considered the evening pleasant enough .
22 Had it not been for the section , the court was of the view that the claim would have been defeated by volenti .
23 Balassa 's ( 1987 ) " anti-monde " was derived using the assumption that the income elasticity of demand would have remained constant had it not been for the effect of economic integration .
24 ‘ But we could have been 12 or 13% up had it not been for the bomb scares , ’ said John Monk .
25 Had it not been for the adroitness and presence of mind of two reporters for the Empire News and Daily News respectively , Alfred Wells , butcher 's assistant , would probably never have taken the stand at Reading 's most famous coroner 's inquest .
26 Even so , the number of those who believed that Hitler would have been one of the greatest German statesmen of all time had it not been for the war remained relatively high , though this figure too had fallen sharply ( from 48 per cent in 1955 to 32 per cent by 1967 ) .
27 The Elsevier share price would have risen further had it not been for the announcement of the merger with Reed .
28 Emma Lyon , who made her way up the social scale by similar means , would have found herself in prison earlier had it not been for the lifeline thrown to her by her friends and former lovers .
29 Families expressed resentment if they came to think that they were being considered as a ‘ problem ’ family , and were quick to point out that had it not been for the arrival of the new child , they would not have needed the services of the family therapist .
30 It would not have been terrible — only like Frank — if it had not been for the pain of stones , metal , pressed into soft skin .
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