Example sentences of "[not/n't] be [verb] with a " in BNC.

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1 Colour coded charts for instance , would not be available as an option if your garment shape has not been integrated with a colour stitch pattern .
2 This is not , as Young ( 1981 : 328 ) asserts , because they are ‘ well calculated to be ineffective ’ , but rather because they have not been framed with a crucial issue in mind — how far can a national state regulatory agency effect the operations of a transnational corporation , particularly when its parental state is one of the two world imperialist powers ?
3 Today by some bonus of chance they were being left there to enjoy it and had not been interrupted with a call for tea or to go for a swim with Dad who had just come home .
4 The politician-official distinction should not be equated with a policy-making-implementation distinction .
5 Being-for-itself must be wholly body and it must be wholly consciousness ; it can not be united with a body .
6 We all know , as dreamers , that dreams are genuine experiences , even if they can not be recorded with a camera or a tape-recorder .
7 For once , we are left in no doubt where the author 's sympathies lie , and why — ‘ Homology is a statement about pattern , and should not be conflated with a concept about processes and mechanisms ’ .
8 If agreement could not be reached with a reporter on disputed material , it would be sent to a joint information bureau in Dhahran , and , if still unresolved , to the US Assistant Secretary of Defence responsible for public affairs .
9 Although the laryngeal mask does not protect the airway against gastric contents , it has potential for use in resuscitation and emergency medicine when intubation is impossible and a patent airway can not be maintained with a face mask .
10 Obviously , this can not be done with a conventional typewriter .
11 Each period of casual employment will be treated separately and a previous period may not be aggregated with a current period for determining sick leave allowable .
12 The neurotic can not be compared with a magician , for example , in a traditional society , for the latter learns his role from the culture into which he is born .
13 An identity and a history can not be obliterated with a switch of a name or the stroke of a pen .
14 Although royal icing should be firm , it should not be so hard that it can not be cut with a knife .
15 Strong , rigid aluminium faces on the inside and outside provide outstanding security , and unlike plastic panels , the new designs can not be melted with a blowtorch or removed by would-be intruders .
16 This agent , who may or may not be affiliated with a freight forwarder , prepares the charter party bill of lading and gives it to the captain for his signature , subject to charter party conditions .
17 She could not be issued with a warrant for her visit .
18 Therefore any new member this year will not be issued with a number and from January 1989 all numbering will cease .
19 In the past , some purists have said that all surface decoration applied to designed objects — all ornament , in other words — must be based on motifs which look flat , ie. they must not be drawn with a third dimension : you are allowed to make a pattern out of squares , so to speak , but not cubes .
20 If a total of less than 1% of the population is undefined then the errors are unlikely to be great , but the reliability of the moments decreases sharply as the proportions of undefined materials increases , and the technique should not be used with a higher proportion of unknowns notwithstanding the convenience and availability of pocket calculators suitable to perform the arithmetic .
21 The most obvious type of ‘ treating in parallel ’ is coordination : in general , a non-constituent can not be coordinated with a constituent without oddness :
22 Baxter was a man who could not be bought with a bribe or silenced by threats or prison .
23 But it is sad for the ordinary cat owner to realize that there is a whole range of sounds that simply can not be shared with a much-loved pet .
24 ‘ Because many of the plant components are contaminated with radiation , the structures simply can not be demolished with a wrecking ball , ’ said Shea .
25 The debtor can not be left with a sum each week less than his protected earnings rate .
26 Variscan folding and thrusting can , however , be seen north of the Midi Overthrust , and the general view of workers in the U.K. is that here the Variscan Front can not be identified with a single laterally-continuous thrust plane , though locally it may be ( Hancock 1983 ) .
27 However , to the extent that standards differ , either goods can not be exported with a consequent loss of competition between countries , or if they are exported they have to be adapted to the rules of each national market .
28 Nevertheless , its point about the evidence for God 's goodness — that it is not compelling and that , indeed , there may be moments when it appears that the facts of life may not be reconciled with a good Creator at all — might also be applied to the evidence for God 's existence .
29 Golf clubs can rest assured that our members are of a standard as suggested by their handicap certificate and not being confronted with a ‘ worthless piece of paper . ’
30 These plants have n't been sprayed with a single chemical .
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