Example sentences of "[not/n't] the [noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although libraries ( especially young peoples ' libraries ) are not the havens of quiet of folk myth , they can cater for such children if staff are trained to recognize and respect them .
2 Do not the upholders of law have daily experience of the fact that the greedy society so desired by Conservative Members must inevitably be a bad one ?
3 Whatever the Dersinghams had skimped on , it was not the accoutrements of death .
4 It is here that the notion of contract plays its vital role — not the doctrines of contract law , which in many respects are as arid and unsupportive of commercial activity as a dedicated anti-capitalist could imagine — rather , contract as practice , as putting into words what the parties can and must do , and if need be adjusting , or excluding , particular rules of law .
5 Reference to the ‘ pièces de Marais ’ are probably the Pièces à une et à deux violes ( 1686 ) rather than the Pièces en trio pour les flûtes , violon & dessus de viole ( 1692 ) , since the viol pieces ( and not the ones for flute ) are found in Jacques 's posthumous inventory .
6 But not the ones with class .
7 This was adopted by the House of Lords in the GCHQ case , where Lord Diplock said that ‘ National security is the responsibility of the executive government ; what action is needed to protect its interests is … a matter upon which those upon whom the responsibility rests , and not the courts of justice , must have the last word . ’
8 ‘ So , ’ he went on , his eyes missing nothing , she thought , certainly not the sparks of anger in hers , ‘ tell me , what 's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this ? ’
9 and would have done so , had not the laws of nature prevented it .
10 She sat for the evening with a strange man 's hand inside her stocking , and yet it had not occurred to her that the laws of a disorganized school trip were not the laws of nature or of justice .
11 Not the clothes for cross-country , and he would stand out like a beacon on the fringes of the villages and collectives that he must circle like a fox coming to the dustbins for food .
12 These mannequins are not the glamourpusses of Vogue , but the strange girl next door of a Diane Arbus photograph .
13 The blame fell on pollution ; not the clouds of smoke and occasional waves of sulphur dioxide which were known to drift up from the industrial valleys of the Ruhr and kill off the sensitive firs , but the more insidious long-term changes implied by acid rain .
14 In the United States the Supreme Court , in Marbury v Madison ( 1803 ) 1 Cranch 137 , declared that it had power to decide whether or not the Acts of Congress conformed with the Constitution .
15 It is in this sense that higher education can be said to institutionalize not the structures of knowledge , but the experience of uncertainty .
16 They celebrate not the facts of nature , but the transforming power of atmosphere and momentary effects of light .
17 One way in which lenders ( but not the holders of bank notes ) can safeguard their position is to index the value of their loan against an appropriate price index .
18 However , some experts believe that technical solutions are dealing only with the symptoms , not the causes of piracy .
19 The numbers given in the boxes are not the numbers of leukaemia deaths as the presentation suggests — they are nearer to the total of all causes of death .
20 This gave her the entrée into many whispering galleries of politics and the drawing-rooms if not the corridors of power .
21 And if Augustine 's understanding of how God can indeed be known incarnationally influenced the thinking of later mystics like Walter Hilton , Richard Rolle and Julian of Norwich , another tradition , which stressed not the links between Creator and created , but the darkness of the divide , was undoubtedly formative in the experience of the Cloud-author .
22 He wanted privacy and not the struggles of circuit and paddock .
23 The psychiatrist explores the roots of personal deviance , ‘ inadequacy ’ and ‘ alienation ’ — not the grounds of conformity and compliance .
24 Should not the costs of check-up tests and the associated costs be scrapped ?
25 Cooks were not the instigators of winter sports holidays , that was the achievement of Henry Lunn , but they were the champions of winter sports for women .
26 They 're very supportive , but they 're not the sorts of theatre where you want to open . ’
27 These three limits to structuralism are not the marks of failure .
28 ‘ It 's not the days of flower power now , whatever you may think .
29 Furthermore , decided the experienced landlord , if that was n't the fumes of brandy on his breath he did n't know his own business .
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