Example sentences of "[not/n't] at [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 I know they must deliver to shops but why not at a specified time , say 8-9am , then the shops can open and people can shop without worry .
2 The drama course for professional performers which does not at the present time qualify for a mandatory award , is fully accredited by the National Council of Drama Training as is the Acting Option of the Graduate Diploma course .
3 From the outside people may say she has married into such and such a descent group but this does not mean that she is also not at the same time the wife of a particular man .
4 They can not at the same time absorb and spread the credit risks of their corporate clients as well .
5 They were offered , as Sue Lawley proudly pointed out , the only opportunity of quizzing all three party leaders under the same roof , though not at the same time .
6 It was the Indians who showed that man is capable of separating the two worlds and living in both of them , not at the same time but alternately .
7 It is not possible to accept the belief that ‘ God pervades everything that is to be found in this universe down to the tiniest atom ’ , and not at the same time accept the idea of universal brotherhood and the essential unity and equality of all earthly creatures .
8 First , if holism and individualism are to be distinct , causation and autonomy must be mutually exclusive categories : if the autonomous character of action is to stand in the way of the truth of determinism , actions can not at the same time be caused .
9 They looked along the Atlantic coast of North America for places in which to settle , and they might have been more successful in founding colonies if they had not at the same time been engaged in what they saw as a desperate struggle to save their religious and political liberties from Catholic Spain , although the Spanish would have said the war was to some extent intended to check the rather aggressive interpretation the English placed on the idea of the freedom of the seas .
10 And there is no slum problem which is not at the same time a poverty problem .
11 While the film was a less personal project than The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp ( 1943 ) or A Matter of Life and Death ( 1946 ) , or even the subsequent The Red Shoes , the intensity of Powell 's personal relationships with both Kerr and Byron ( not at the same time ) communicates itself to the film , and its hothouse atmosphere loses nothing by the lack of wide open spaces .
12 He 'd met Sean Penn maybe 20 times , and they went to the same clubs on Melrose and Sunset , even if not at the same time or on the same night .
13 To keep the images and text flowing across the facing pages , Japanese book binding was chosen , allowing the embossed images and the letterpress to be printed , not at the same time , but on both sides of the same page folded over .
14 As we shall see , if the interest rate is used to control exchange rates , it can not at the same time be used to achieve money supply targets .
15 Is that not at the same time as Glastonbury and all that ?
16 Each of the batsmen has had his moments , unfortunately not enough of them and not at the same time to a sufficient degree .
17 It is quite possible , he wrote , that it will lead nowhere , even when one has begun at the right time in the right spirit , or at least not at the wrong time , in the wrong spirit , with the wrong plans and having made the wrong preparations , with the wrong tools and the wrong principles , on the wrong surface and with the wrong conception .
18 Well the only thing you can do is hopefully your next test is n't at the same time make it a
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