Example sentences of "[not/n't] do that [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I thought they 'd hung me up by my arms , ’ he began , and then he stopped short , remembering that the Punishment Squad could not do that to a crippled man with one arm .
2 If we are to continue to deliver quality services , and indeed if we are to increase the quality , which is what we want to do , you can not do that on a shoe string .
3 I can not do that with a long barrelled weapon .
4 a year , but we can not do that with an under-educated and under-trained work force .
5 She had not done that for a long time .
6 ‘ It never occurred to me not to do that in the first place , ’ she said .
7 But if you like , governments could do this for the non-teaching staff and not do that for the teaching staff .
8 Obviously I do n't do that with every song because a lot of people like to hear certain things as they are on the record .
9 You ca n't do that with a player of Bob Taylor 's ability . ’
10 You ca n't do that with a baby .
11 Well I suppose I would n't do that with a total stranger .
12 You could n't do that with the scythe . ’
13 When a West Indian boy walks in , the girls look up ; they do n't do that for an Asian .
14 Oliver please do n't do that to the flowers .
15 I could n't do that on the 500 .
16 Now we do n't do wanted items or giveaways or anything like that , you know we do n't do that on the programme , that 's for other programmes .
17 Could n't do that on the other products because there 's limited number of slots .
18 As long as she does n't do that on the chair .
19 and probably incorporate one or two , ca n't do that on the garage though cos it wo n't , it 's gon na be out of character
20 I could n't do that at the start .
21 You do n't do that at the table boy !
22 ‘ I 'm surprised she does n't do that as a matter of course . ’
23 Well , look at the sleeves , I mean you would n't do that in an English , in an English pair of pyjamas
24 In the towns they drink wine and liqueurs , but we ca n't do that in the villages … the result is that the gents can drink , but it 's forbidden to the lower classes . ’
25 You just do n't do that in the press box . ’
26 ‘ May I ask why you did n't do that in the first place ? ’
27 You ca n't do that in the Christmas one ?
28 I could n't understand why you did n't do that in the first place .
29 Are n't you playing the piano ? shall we get that book that you have , it 's yellow I think it 's down there , we have n't done that for a long time have we , we can do that while daddy and Tim are playing
30 ‘ We have n't done that in a long time . ’
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