Example sentences of "[not/n't] [be] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The exercise of these powers can not be successfully challenged in the courts unless it can be shown that the Home Secretary has acted unreasonably or perversely .
2 The plaintiffs ' next contention has been described as the proprietary argument to the effect that Mr. and Mrs. Tully are constructive trustees for the plaintiffs of the moneys claimed in the action , that a court of equity will not hesitate to protect and preserve a trust fund in interlocutory proceedings on the principle that , if the trust fund disappears , it will turn out that equity has been invoked to no purpose and that a claim for privilege can not be successfully raised against an order which permits a plaintiff to search for and to seize his own property , including property which is in the possession of the defendant .
3 With some hindsight we began to realise that the design and control of large systems can not be successfully accomplished without exceedingly large quantities of information .
4 However the textured topside can easily mark or snag , and paste can not be successfully removed from it .
5 First , there is the libertarian premiss that a person 's position should not be irremediably worsened by another 's conduct .
6 This user must not be already logged into LIFESPAN ( either interactively or via PI or PMR ) and , if the identified changes are to be implemented , the user must be the manager , or an ascendant , of all packages to be updated .
7 If this is the case , then the approver must not be already logged into LIFESPAN .
8 This user must not be already logged into LIFESPAN ( either interactively or via PI or PMR ) and , if any identified changes are to be implemented ( i.e. Test Mode = FALSE ) , the user must be the manager of the entry point packages and the associated user for the corresponding active DCs .
9 This user must not be already logged into LIFESPAN , either interactively or via PI or PMR .
10 Details which are ignored in the source text but which have to be specified in the target language can pose a serious dilemma for the translator if they can not be reasonably inferred from the context .
11 It will fail to perform its function of maintaining a stable society if people 's expectations can not be reasonably guaranteed for some time to come .
12 However , an irregular inflection like sung would be listed , so that the lexical rule for the formation of the regular plural present tense would not be inappropriately applied to the base to give singed .
13 As Colonel de Thomasson , one of the more level-headed French writers on Verdun , remarks : ‘ Sometimes sentiment provokes a courage which could not be otherwise inspired by cold reason . ’
14 Other monies will not be separately identified from the general rate support grant from the Department of the Environment , a decision which will make it very difficult to identify exactly what is being spent on services by individual authorities .
15 This industry should certainly not be haughtily condescended to .
16 In order to regulate this market to prevent domination and exploitation , the terms of contractual obligations can not be freely chosen by the parties but are shaped by a concern for trust , solidarity and fairness .
17 Ministerial despotism could not be profitably run by clerical reactionaries ignorant of the financial world .
18 If you invest here , your money may lose its value , your products can not be reliably priced for trade across Europe ; you may face high transaction costs ; and you may not get the full benefits of a single market . ’
19 The fluorescence , as discussed earlier , is a low-magnitude phenomenon , and will not be reliably detected by this method .
20 It is doubtful that the BCG matrix is very useful for total portfolio management in many multi-business groups , because , even if the group is involved in SBUs whose business is dominated by the experience-curve effect , it is likely that some of its SBUs will not be and hence that they can not be reliably analysed within just the BCG context .
21 The second type ( 2b ) consists of lexical sets , the membership of which can not be reliably predicted on phonological grounds alone , and this type is additional to the types of variable that were studied by Labov ( 1966 ) in New York City ( these were types 1 and 2a ) .
22 It presents , quite objectively , a vast amount of data drawn from official Government sources and elsewhere which can not be feasibly challenged by Mr Fallon or anyone else .
23 Although no specific provision is made by the rules it can be anticipated that a practice of serving supplementary or additional witness statements will arise in cases in which the evidence can not be finally settled at an early stage , a paradigm example being personal injury cases in which there may be a permanent or continuing disability or a slow recovery .
24 The survey will be begun to be made , as soon as 500 copies are subscribed for , and it is eagerly requested that such as wish to become subscribers , will be as early as possible in signifying their names , that the proposer may embrace the opportunity of surveying all the streets this summer , which can not be conveniently done after 7 o'clock in the morning , on account of the interruption of carriage .
25 It has a hackneyed , distasteful , condescending ring to it and an overview by its very nature risks marginalising and trivialising a group of totally unique individuals whose artistic endeavours can not be conveniently grouped underneath one big frilly umbrella .
26 There is no clear definition of precisely what is , and what is not , a shrub rose — indeed , some catalogues , from quite reputable houses too , describe the shrub type merely as one that differs from the bush , the climber , the rambler , the miniature and others , and can not be conveniently classified with them .
27 Consequently , more time can be spent by the clearinghouse personnel on the sophisticated and time-consuming enquiries which require information and material that has not been or can not be conveniently added to the database , an those which are of an advisory nature .
28 Nicky Henderson 's gelding rallied after being headed on the flat by Rio Haina in that two-and-three-quarter-mile event , and judged on that game performance , should not be unduly troubled by today 's extra two furlongs .
29 Manager Kevin Keegan is confident Bracewell will not be unduly troubled by the tendon trouble .
30 Of course the vast majority of inspectors will have professional qualifications in teaching , but inspectors should not be exclusively drawn from that stable .
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