Example sentences of "[not/n't] [be] [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Anything which could not be proven in a laboratory by scientific method — anything , that is to say , which was bigger than science — was ruled out of court .
2 It was now clear that the Council could not be concluded in a single session .
3 Political consent can not be obtained in a community where a large minority deny the legitimacy of the state .
4 Cruelty often has a hidden sexual element which may or may not be evinced in the actual nature of the offence .
5 In particular , contingent entities can not be individuated in an absolute sense by any kind of descriptive phrase .
6 Both B and C vitamins , being water soluble , can not be stored in the body and must be replaced daily .
7 Hence word shape information need not be stored in the inverted look-up structure , it can be generated from the matched words at run-time and compared with the shape of the unknown word being searched for .
8 New versions of existing entries may not be stored in the database unless they have first been obtained for update by a known lexicographer , who is the only lexicographer allowed to return it .
9 Mukhamedov 's defection two years ago , just as Communism was falling apart , will not be forgiven in a hurry .
10 Many non-socialist supporters of markets argue too that the pursuit of ex ante planning as a substitute for the ex post coordination of economic activity through the market can not be achieved in a complex society and that its pursuit is actually destructive of very basic individual freedoms .
11 This , of course , is a long-term aim and will not be achieved in the first season .
12 Although every parent has the right in the fullness of time to decide whether he or she feels they can cope with their child , they can not be placed in a position of absolute power over its life if they have an extremely misleading impression of the form that that child 's life might take .
13 It has always been regarded as desirable that the police should be seen as taking no particular stance regarding political activity and that they should not be placed in a position where decisions of a party political nature are concerned .
14 In Joseph Rowntree 's words , this ensured ‘ that residents should not be placed in the position of being recipients of a bounty ’ .
15 Troughs should not be placed in the very corner of paddocks or yards .
16 These rules can not be placed in the category of formal law ; but neither do they fit into my previous description of informal justice .
17 If possible the runs should not be placed in the same areas in successive years .
18 Madeira wine need not be kept in a cellar but should be kept away from bright light and hot water pipes .
19 It need not be decided in every case .
20 How section 60(2) is to be construed and applied in such a case , or in the equivalent case of an assignment , is a question that need not be decided in the instant case .
21 Although the property and the landlord 's contents may be insured , it is likely that the expatriate 's own personal belongings will not be covered in the landlord 's policy .
22 This may not be covered in the initial simple descriptions of the portfolio grids , but one would expect the underlying risk analysis to include such matters .
23 It would depend both on his precise mental state , whether he was capable of lucid moments at the particular time , and the particular treatment involved ; for instance , refusal of therapeutic drugs prescribed to control dangerous behaviour would not be regarded in the same light as refusal to have a tooth extracted .
24 Mr Major has let it be known privately that the chancellor will not be moved in the New Year reshuffle .
25 They are active things which perceive , think , and will , and these properties can not be represented in a passive idea .
26 There is now only one representation for zero , but there is now a negative number whose absolute value can not be represented in the computer word .
27 As with fixed-point arithmetic , the results of some floating-point operations can not be represented in the standard format .
28 He asserted that Parliament was " not a congress of ambassadors from different and hostile interests … but … a deliberative assembly of one nation , with one interest , that of the whole — where nor local purposes , nor local prejudices ought to guide , but the general good , resulting from the general reason of the whole " ; a contention which contains more than an echo of Rousseau , ironically , since Rousseau was adamant that the nation could not be represented in the way Burke implies .
29 You 'll not be noticed in the crowd , and your mother will never forgive you if you do n't stay to see the visitors , and tell her about them ! ’
30 The T/V distinction found in every European language except English provides the classic example of this , while English is , according to Lyons , a particularly clear example of how status , while clearly indicated in paralinguistic ways as Pulgrum indicates , need not be indicated in the grammar ( Lyons , 1977 ) .
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