Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] so [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Smiling at her father , who probably did not think so either if he would permit himself to be honest about it , she placidly allowed him to give her hand to Tristan who looked down at her very intently , his face noble and moved and marvellously beautiful in the jewelled light from the stained glass window .
2 Whether this is the way they express themselves does not matter so long as we can establish that this is the substance of their view .
3 This vagueness will not matter so long as one is clear about the level at which the formula of ‘ ought implies can ’ is being applied : thus the latter , and weaker , kind of ‘ can not ’ would be enough to provide a strong argument against the behaviour being made into a norm for a human society , but it would not be enough if the question concerned the adoption of a personal ideal in an individual case .
4 It is often a good idea to have several small aquaria instead of one larger one , as it is easier to see the animals and to study them when they are in a small volume of water : they can not swim so far or so fast .
5 Because the cake is covered in buttercream it will not keep so long as cakes made with fondant , so eat it fairly soon after it is made .
6 Matey might not work so hard as McAllister did , or perform such menial tasks , like scrubbing the kitchen floor and whitening the front doorstep — which was next on McAllister 's list of duties — but she did her share and was never idle , even in her spare time — hence her membership of the ladies ' sewing circle and her encouragement of her housemaid , McAllister , to accompany her to it .
7 It becomes a bonfire in autumn , but strangely does not burn so brightly as the green-leafed type distinguished as viridis .
8 Such a population , especially if the average size of a family continues to diminish , calls for more looking after , medically and physically , than an equal population of lower average age : it does not die so cheaply and it does not , medically speaking , survive so cheaply .
9 ( 4 ) The general rule does not apply so far as a provision of the consolidating Acts gives effect to an amendment ( in pursuance of a recommendation of the Law Commission and , in some cases , the Scottish Law Commission ) .
10 Even the otherwise haughty Surrey committee was moved to complain about this lack of common courtesy , though naturally they did not go so far as to suggest meals should be taken in common .
11 Because of his Cartesianism , Malebranche could not go so far as to say that material objects were not really extended or in motion , but Pierre Bayle had argued that such restraint was unjustifiable .
12 ‘ I am to be questioned and interfered with and hounded , not to be left , doing a job of work the way I choose , a necessary job , a job our sister has made tediously inevitable , a job the result of which may save us from potential disgrace , even if we can not go so far as to expect it to improve our situation out of all recognition .
13 We can not go so far as that ; and I lay it down as fact that there never has been a real complete sceptic .
14 Even now , I would not go so far as to say it is a bad staff plan ; after all , it enables a staff of four to cover an unexpected amount of ground .
15 Dhanraj began by stating unequivocally that she saw film-making as a tool for socio-political challenge ( she would not go so far as to say change ) and that documentary was best suited to this purpose .
16 Predictably , she was not sympathetic to the boisterous ways of a young teenager , though she did not go so far as a Mrs Dudley who complained to Bloomsbury House that one of her fifteen-year-old lodgers , Willy , had ‘ broken the beading on a wardrobe and had also broken a chair ’ , offences which most parents of healthy teenagers would have accepted as part of growing up .
17 He did not go so far as to offer to guide them onward to Gilsland , by night , since that would have been to insult the Armstrongs , Jardines and Johnstones .
18 They did not go so far as to learn the language of the peoples they studied , but they did spell out for later writers the ground rules of such research .
19 Although Johnson does not go so far as to claim that the affectless society was responsible for the Moors Murders , she does feel able to argue that the general atmosphere in society at the time had ‘ infected ’ the social system , and that ‘ Brady possibly , Hindley almost certainly , have been victims of fallout ’ .
20 Lévi-Strauss has rendered social anthropology an invaluable service in emphasizing the significance of such contrasting motifs ; although we need not go so far as him and turn our subject into an esoteric animal , vegetable or mineral parlour-game in which every card is a joker and can assume whatever meaning the player likes .
21 In that particular case the judges pronounced in general on the right of free speech , but did not go so far as to appoint experts to ascertain whether the accused was right in his criticism or not ( see The Art Newspaper No.14 , January 1992 , p.1 ) .
22 Fitzgerald herself does not go so far as to suggest that they should not be used at all .
23 Christine Brooke-Rose does not go so far as to disavow authorial creativity altogether , but she too sees technology as the possible key to a breakthrough in how we think about the human subject .
24 Even Amabel could not go so far as to trouble Gemma .
25 But we need not go so far as that ; it will suffice to suppose that firms rise and fall , but that the ‘ representative ’ firm remains always of about the same size , as does the representative tree of a virgin forest . [ … ]
26 It is important that constituents should be able to consult us about confidential matters , but surely we should not go so far as to give comfort to murderers and bombers , as has been suggested .
27 We should not go so far as to hold a referendum , but the people must have the final say .
28 We then asked him , if he could not go so far as to meet us in full , to introduce an empowering provision .
29 Most recent historians would agree that the Hammonds were much too reluctant to accept that there was even serious talk of revolution , although the majority do not go so far as Thompson in their assessment of the seriousness of the threat .
30 However he does not go so far as to paraphrase by " see that " , as does Palmer .
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