Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] he [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He became concerned when he could not locate him on the premises , because Mr Jowett was due to take over the lambing .
2 Unlike the other more senior competitors for the approval of the leader , she did not treat him as a fellow professional or even a well-informed client .
3 I 'm grateful that you listen to him , and do not treat him like a fool just because he is old . ’
4 I neither would nor could have murdered him , but I do not regard him as a loss . ’
5 Cunningham 's chummy dropping of the ‘ Mr ’ from his name did not fool him for a moment : the withdrawn and irascible figure he had encountered in mid-afternoon was nearer the soul of this man than mine accommodating and smiling host of the Skein of Geese 's oak-panelled restaurant .
6 that does n't bother me , but considering it was only the second I 'd spoken to him and I did not fancy him in the least erm , it really made my skin crawl .
7 But it is too soon for him to face the likes of Devon Malcolm , and Fletcher said the tour selectors would not consider him for the pipe opener in Faridabad .
8 She thought of Giles Carnaby both continuously and not at all ; he was permanently in the head , but as some unavoidable elemental force — she could not consider him as a person , reflect upon character or deeds .
9 The difference was that until 1688 loans had been made directly to the King : he ran the government as an extension of his private household and , although he was the richest individual in the country , he was in many ways just a private borrower like any other and a prudent lender would not trust him with a loan that would run for a long time .
10 As the living room of his end-terraced council house in Cherrywood Drive , Beith , Ayrshire , became a court , Mr McTear admitted that even the awful price of his former 60-a-day habit could not rid him of the temptation .
11 I can not dignify him with the name of " physician " … should send to their doom many poor souls who might , with the proper treatment , recover ! "
12 He had hinted , as Maureen had done , that Pascoe was guilty of fraud but did not implicate him in the murder , and invited Wickham to accept that it was a political killing .
13 His handful of Masses , three of them ‘ parodies ’ of motets by his teacher Mouton , do not show him as an innovator .
14 She could not picture him behind the grim walls of Swansea Prison , instead she remembered him riding with her in the park , smiling down at her with his dark eyes , making her feel so small and helpless .
15 I could not look him in the eyes .
16 Even the after effects could not keep him from the final .
17 But any rational analysis of the outcome of the Democratic primaries makes it clear that Jackson 's racial identity did not and could not defeat him in the voting booth .
18 ‘ If Birkenhead stood alone , ’ Baldwin self-righteously pronounced , ‘ I would not touch him with a barge-pole . ’
19 She would not touch him with a bargepole , she said , and never would have done .
20 Certainly Jenny did not see him for the first few evenings she was at Moorlake .
21 You 'll see — I 'll probably not see him for the rest of the week . ’
22 ‘ I do not see him as a killer .
23 We did not see him as the spineless vicar that Fielding turned him into in Shamela .
24 For a second she saw a man on top of the rock , then she could not see him behind the waves .
25 Because if he treated her as her father had treated Odette , she knew she would not bear it so patiently , would not bless him on the day he finally left her , as Odette had done , but would go after him with a knife to hunt him down .
26 It had to be an art that did not separate him from the uncultured poor but was founded in them , gathering them to him in a home of art they could all share , a home that sheltered and consoled ; a warm place .
27 They did not discover him till a fortnight later .
28 It has already been seen that , if the defendant knows that his assailant was a policeman , it will not avail him as a defence if he mistakenly thinks that the policeman was exceeding his powers .
29 Norwich manager Mike Walker insisted that Newman 's enforced lay-off would not force him into the transfer market .
30 Sir John Menzies had a recurrent dream , especially on the nights when his young wife would not have him in the bed beside her , or he had been drinking late , and he slept in the side bedroom , which was tall and narrow with two pistols perched on nails in the wall .
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