Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] any " in BNC.

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1 Unlike the Full Plans method , the use of the Building Notice procedure does not entitle you to any documentary proof from your council that your proposal is satisfactory , or that the work will be accepted by the Buildings Control Officer who is required to inspect the work as it proceeds .
2 We do not do it for any other aspect of our social existence .
3 She could not associate him with any loss of dignity , or credit , or grace , not because he felt these too nearly and jealously , but because he wore and used them with as little thought as the breath he drew , and they were as natural a part of him , and like breath , when they left him they would leave him dead .
4 YES , but with the right professional help to smooth your path it need not present you with any problems .
5 Political theories could not provide him with any answers .
6 Thus even if we accept that the duty of directors to act in the best interests of shareholders can be equated with a duty to maximize profits this does not provide us with any real assurance that the wishes of the shareholders are being executed by the directors or that we have a satisfactory way of controlling the discretion accorded to directors in the name of the Rule of Law .
7 I moved round to the other windows , but I could not see her in any of the rooms .
8 She could not see him in any such clear moralistic light .
9 And you , A types can not see it in any other way .
10 Presumably this puts the liability of the railway company up to £200 on the same level as that fixed by the common law and , on the other hand , does not deprive it of any of the defences pleadable at common law which are discussed above , e.g .
11 Whereas Charles Dance did not resemble him in any way .
12 What it provides is that a company proposing to allot equity securities shall not allot them to any person unless it has first offered , on the same or more favourable terms , to each person who holds relevant shares or relevant employee shares , a proportion of those equity securities which is as nearly as practicable equal to his existing proportion in nominal value of his aggregate holdings of relevant shares and relevant employee shares .
13 Mr. J. praised the nurses who had looked after his mother , and did not blame them in any way for her death .
14 An ‘ only ’ dream has little effect on us ; we may remember it in the morning because it was funny or for some other reason , but it does not disturb us in any way ; most often , we recollect it only in the moments after waking and have forgotten it by the time we get out of bed .
15 They can not tell us in any detail what kinds of investigations might be prompted by such conceptions , or how they may be carried out , what concepts and theories are relevant , and so on .
16 I do not mean it in any ideological sense or historical sense or to be provocative but it 's very , it 's with very deep feelings that I speak to you today because you may not understand it but for me , after thirty three years in exile I was able to return to South Africa in nineteen ninety one and one of the first activities to which I was invited was the annual meeting of Cosatu And so when we say comrades in that sense , and thank you as comrades we mean it as comrades in arms .
17 The completion of the questionnaire does not commit you in any way , but the information you provide will be used in the future planning of sport and recreation facilities .
18 This will not commit you in any way but you may find that your interest is aroused .
19 I ask only a simple question , which does not entrap you in any way .
20 He does not threaten her in any way .
21 These should be few and simple , and must certainly not involve them in any anxiety , or a sharp increase in effort or expenditure .
22 As a result , we will advise you of the latest schedules on your Final Invoice , but we will not advise you of any timing changes at an earlier date .
23 I can not accept it with any great tranquillity .
24 ‘ I ca n't compare her with any of the top horses I 've trained because I just do n't know how good she is .
25 ‘ Julius does n't affect me in any way .
26 She did n't earn it in any conventional sense : her last employer left one third of his substantial fortune to her outright , and another third for life .
27 Their value is 200 GCs if sold to a collector ; non-collectors wo n't buy them at any price .
28 ‘ Going all autocratic and impatient wo n't drum it in any quicker . ’
29 ‘ I do n't do it for any reason of self . ’
30 We do n't do it for any other section of society , and these people are not poor .
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